释义 |
-stat(word root) position, stabilizeExamples of words with the root -stat: thermostat, rheostat-statsuff.1. Something that stabilizes: rheostat.2. A device for reflecting something specified in a constant direction: heliostat.3. Something that inhibits: fungistat. [New Latin -stata, from Greek -statēs, one that causes to stand, or statos, standing; see stā- in Indo-European roots.]-stat n combining form indicating a device that causes something to remain stationary or constant: thermostat. [from Greek -statēs, from histanai to cause to stand]stat2 (stæt) n. a statistic. [1960–65; by shortening] stat3 (stæt) adv. Med., Pharm. immediately. [< Latin statim] -stat a combining form used in the names of devices or substances that stabilize or make constant: bacteriostat; thermostat. [< Greek -statēs=(hi)stá(nai) to make stand] stat. 1. (in prescriptions) immediately. [< Latin statim] 2. statute. EncyclopediaSeestat-stat
-statAn agent intended to keep something from changing, flowing, or moving. [G. statēs, stationary] -stat Suffix denoting an agent intended to keep something from changing or moving. [G. statēs, stationary]-stat [Gr. -statēs, fr, histanai, to stand] In pharmacology, a suffix designating an enzyme inhibitor. |