Sociological Research, Institute Of
Sociological Research, Institute Of
a central scientific research institution of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, founded in 1968; until 1972, known as the Institute of Concrete Social Research.
The principal tasks of the institute are to deal with the social problems of developed socialist society and analyze pressing problems of the building of communism. The institute also studies social relations and social structure, the way of life in socialist society, social planning and the prediction of social change. Other areas of study include control of social processes, problems of cultural development and the communist education of the working people, the history of Marxist-Leninist sociology in the USSR and other socialist countries, and criticism of bourgeois and non-Marxist sociological theories.
The Institute of Sociological Research has been assigned the task of coordinating sociological research conducted at scientific and other establishments and institutions of higher education and providing these establishments with methodological assistance. The institute offers graduate study and publishes the journal Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniia (Sociological Research).