periodic acid-Schiff stain

per·i·od·ic ac·id-·Schiff stain (PAS),

(shif), a tissue-staining procedure in which 1,2-glycol groupings are first oxidized with periodic acid to aldehydes that then react with the sulfite leucofuchsin reagent of Schiff and turn red-violet; strong staining occurs with polysaccharides, such as glycogen, and mucopolysaccharides of epithelial mucins, basement membranes, and connective tissue. Synonym(s): PAS stain


Hugo, German chemist in Florence, 1834-1915. Kasten fluorescent Schiff reagents - see under Kastenninhydrin-Schiff stain for proteinsperiodic acid-Schiff stain - a tissue-staining procedure. Synonym(s): PAS stainSchiff base - condensation products of aldehydes and ketones with primary amine. Synonym(s): aldimineSchiff reagent - used for aldehydes and in histochemistry to detect polysaccharides, DNA, and proteins.

per·i·od·ic ac·id-Schiff stain

(PAS) (pērē-odik asid shif stān) A clinical tissue-staining procedure.