释义 |
pro·glot·tid P0584900 (prō-glŏt′ĭd) also pro·glot·tis (-glŏt′ĭs)n. pl. pro·glot·tids also pro·glot·ti·des (-glŏt′ĭ-dēz′) One of the segments of a tapeworm, containing both male and female reproductive organs. [Greek proglōttis, proglōttid-, tip of the tongue (from its shape) : pro-, before; see pro-2 + glōtta, tongue.] pro·glot′tic, pro′glot·ti·de′an (-glŏt-ĭ-dē′ən, -glŏ-tĭd′ē-ən) adj.proglottis (prəʊˈɡlɒtɪs) or proglottidn, pl -glottides (-ˈɡlɒtɪˌdiːz) (Zoology) any of the segments that make up the body of a tapeworm. Each contains reproductive organs and separates from the worm when filled with fertilized eggs[C19: from Greek proglōssis, proglōttis point of the tongue, from pro-2 + glōssa, glōtta (so called because of its shape)] proˈglottic, ˌproglotˈtidean adj EncyclopediaSeeproglottidproglottis
proglottid [pro-glot´id] one of the segments making up the body of a tapeworm.pro·glot·tid (prō-glot'id), One of the segments of a tapeworm, containing the reproductive organs. Synonym(s): proglottis [pro- + G. glōssa, tongue] pro·glot·tid (prō-glot'id) One of the segments of a tapeworm, containing the reproductive organs. Synonym(s): proglottis. [pro- + G. glōssa, tongue] |