profunda brachii artery

pro·fun·da bra·chi·i ar·ter·y

[TA] origin, brachial; course, accompanies radial nerve in radial groove on posterior aspect of humerus; distribution, humerus and muscles and integument of arm; anastomoses, posterior circumflex humeral, radial recurrent, recurrent interosseous, ulnar collateral, that is, articular vascular network of elbow. Synonym(s): arteria profunda brachii [TA], ramus deltoideus arteriae profundae brachii [TA], deep artery of arm ☆ , deep brachial artery

pro·fun·da bra·chi·i ar·te·ry

(prō-fŭn'dă brā'kē-ī ahr'tĕr-ē) [TA] Origin, brachial; distribution, humerus and muscles and integument of arm; anastomoses, posterior circumflex humeral, radial recurrent, recurrent interosseous, ulnar collateral, i.e., articular vascular network of elbow.
Synonym(s): deep artery of arm.

profunda brachii artery

A branch of the brachial artery that dives to the back of the arm and runs beside the radial nerve. Its branches include the radial collateral and medial collateral arteries. Synonym: deep brachial artery See: brachial artery for illus.See also: artery