Vetranovic-Cavcic, Nikola
Vetranović-Čavčić, Nikola
(also Nikola Vetranić; his monastic name was Mavro). Born 1482 in Dubrovnik; died 1576 near Dubrovnik or on the island of Mljet. Croatian poet and thinker of the Dubrovnik Renaissance.
Vetranović -Čavčić was born into the family of a city tradesman. In 1504 he joined the Benedictine order. Later he became a recluse on the island of Sveti Andrija, where he wrote songs with philosophical, religious, moral, or everyday content, as well as dramas based on biblical subjects. Vetranović-Čavčić criticized the moral decline of the Dubrovnik aristocracy, the merchant class, and the clergy, and he called for struggle against the Turks.
Pjesme Mavra … , parts 1-2. Zagreb, 1871-72.In Russian translation:
In Poety Dalmatsii epokhi Vozrozhdeniia XV-XVI vv. Moscow, 1958.
Kharlampovich, V. “Kratkii ocherk literaturnoi deiatel’nosti Nikolaia Vetranovicha (Chavchicha).” Vestnik slavianstva, 1890, no. 5.Švelec, F. “Mavro Vetranović.” In Radovi Instituta Jugoslavenske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti u Zadru, issues 4-5, 6-7. Zagreb, 1959-60.