peridental membrane


, pl.


(per'ē-ō-don'shē-ŭm, -shē-ă), [TA] The connective tissue that surrounds the tooth root and attaches it to its bony socket; it consists of fibers anchored in the cementum and extending into the alveolar bone; the tissues that surround and support the teeth, including the gingivae, cementum, desmodentium, periodontal fibrs, and alveolar and supporting bone. Synonym(s): periodontal membrane ☆ , alveolar periosteum, periosteum alveolare, alveolodental membrane, gingivodental ligament, paradentium, parodontium, peridental membrane, peridentium, tapetum alveoli [L. fr. peri- + G. odous, tooth]

per·i·o·don·tal lig·a·ment

(perē-ō-dontăl ligă-mĕnt) The connective tissue that surrounds the tooth root and attaches it to its bony socket; it consists of fibers anchored in the cementum and extending into the alveolar bone, as well as the tissues that surround and support the teeth, including the gingivae, cementum, periodontal ligament, and alveolar and supporting bone.
Synonym(s): alveolodental ligament, alveolodental membrane, peridental membrane, periodontal membrane, periodontium (2) .

peridental membrane

An obsolete term for the periodontal ligament.See also: membrane


, peridentium,pl. periodontia, peridentia (perē-ō-donshē-ŭm, -denshē-ŭm, -donshē-ă, -denshē-ă) [TA] Connective tissue that surrounds tooth root and attaches it to its bony socket; consists of fibers anchored in cementum and extending into alveolar bone; tissues that surround and support teeth, including gingivae, cementum, desmodentium, periodontal fibers, and alveolar and supporting bone.
Synonym(s): alveolar periosteum, alveolodental membrane, gingivodental ligament, paradentium, peridental membrane.
[L. fr. peri- + G. odous, tooth]