释义 |
V 11. The symbol for vanadium.2. Electricity The symbol for potential difference.3. also v The symbol for the Roman numeral 5.
V 2abbr.1. victory2. vocative3. volt4. volume5. vowel
v 1 or V V0000100 (vē)n. pl. v's or V's also vs or Vs 1. The 22nd letter of the modern English alphabet.2. Any of the speech sounds represented by the letter v.3. The 22nd in a series.4. Something shaped like the letter V.
v 2abbr. velocityv (viː) or Vn, pl v's, V's or Vs1. (Linguistics) the 22nd letter and 17th consonant of the modern English alphabet2. (Phonetics & Phonology) a speech sound represented by this letter, in English usually a voiced labio-dental fricative, as in vote3. a. something shaped like a Vb. (in combination): a V neck. See also V-sign
v symbol for 1. (General Physics) physics velocity 2. (General Physics) specific volume (of a gas)
V symbol for 1. (Grammar) (in transformational grammar) verb 2. (General Physics) volume (capacity) 3. (General Physics) volt 4. (Elements & Compounds) chem vanadium 5. (General Physics) luminous efficiency 6. victory 7. (Mathematics) (Roman numeral)five. See Roman numerals abbreviation for (Automotive Engineering) Vatican City (international car registration) V, v (vi) n., pl. Vs V's, vs v's. 1. the 22nd letter of the English alphabet, a consonant. 2. any spoken sound represented by this letter. 3. something shaped like a V. 4. a written or printed representation of the letter V or v. V 1. velocity. 2. verb. 3. victory (by the Allies in WWII). 4. volt. 5. vowel. V Symbol. 1. the 22nd in order or in a series. 2. (sometimes l.c.) the Roman numeral for five. Compare Roman numerals. 3. Chem. vanadium. 4. Biochem. valine. v 1. variable. 2. velocity. 3. victory. 4. volt. V. 1. valve. 2. Venerable. 3. verse. 4. version. 5. versus. 6. Vicar. 7. Vice. 8. see. [< L vidē] 9. Village. 10. Virgin. 11. Viscount. 12. volume. v. 1. valve. 2. vector. 3. verb. 4. verse. 5. version. 6. verso. 7. versus. 8. vicar. 9. vice. 10. see. [< L vidē] 11. village. 12. vocative. 13. voice. 14. volt. 15. voltage. 16. volume. V1. The symbol for vanadium. 2. Abbreviation of volumeThesaurusNoun | 1. V - a unit of potential equal to the potential difference between two points on a conductor carrying a current of 1 ampere when the power dissipated between the two points is 1 watt; equivalent to the potential difference across a resistance of 1 ohm when 1 ampere of current flows through itvoltpotential unit - a measure of the potential energy of a unit charge at a given point in a circuit relative to a reference point (ground)abvolt - a unit of potential equal to one-hundred-millionth of a voltmillivolt, mV - a unit of potential equal to one thousandth of a voltmicrovolt - a unit of potential equal to one millionth of a voltnanovolt - a unit of potential equal to one billionth of a voltpicovolt - a unit of potential equal to one trillionth of a voltfemtovolt - a unit of potential equal to one quadrillionth of a volt (or one thousandth of a nanosecond)kilovolt, kV - a unit of potential equal to a thousand volts | | 2. V - a soft silvery white toxic metallic element used in steel alloys; it occurs in several complex minerals including carnotite and vanadiniteatomic number 23, vanadiummetal, metallic element - any of several chemical elements that are usually shiny solids that conduct heat or electricity and can be formed into sheets etc.carnotite - a yellow radioactive mineral; an ore of uranium and radium and vanadiumvanadinite - a mineral consisting of chloride and vanadate of lead; a source of vanadium | | 3. V - the cardinal number that is the sum of four and one5, cinque, fin, five, fivesome, Little Phoebe, pentad, Phoebe, quint, quintuplet, quintetdigit, figure - one of the elements that collectively form a system of numeration; "0 and 1 are digits" | | 4.v - the 22nd letter of the Roman alphabetLatin alphabet, Roman alphabet - the alphabet evolved by the ancient Romans which serves for writing most of the languages of western Europealphabetic character, letter of the alphabet, letter - the conventional characters of the alphabet used to represent speech; "his grandmother taught him his letters" | Adj. | 1. v - being one more than four 5, fivecardinal - being or denoting a numerical quantity but not order; "cardinal numbers" | Translationsv written abbreviation versus. 對… (書面縮寫) 与...相对(书面语缩写式) smuggle (someone or something) out (of some place) (redirected from V)
smuggle (someone or something) out (of some place)To transport someone or something out (of some place) in a surreptitious or hidden manner, especially when it is illegal to do so. A: "I really miss the fresh salami they make back home, but I can't bring it through customs with me." B: "I'll try to smuggle some out for you the next time I come to visit." We smuggled her out the building in an empty cello case.See also: out, smugglev1. The roman numeral for 5. V stands for 5, so VII is 7.2. An abbreviation for "versus," used to indicate a competition between two entities. In this usage, it is usually followed by a period. It's Jackson v. Jones, the fight of the century!3. An abbreviation for "very" that is typically used in text messages and social media posts. In this usage, it is seen with and without a period. My cat knows that napping is v important. This legislation is v. important. Please call your senators.V
V, 22d letter of the alphabetalphabet [Gr. alpha-beta, like Eng. ABC], system of writing, theoretically having a one-for-one relation between character (or letter) and phoneme (see phonetics). Few alphabets have achieved the ideal exactness. ..... Click the link for more information. (see UU, 21st letter of the alphabet, corresponding to the Greek upsilon [Gr.,=u without the aspirate]. Until the late Middle Ages the capital was V, the minuscule u, no distinction being made between the consonantal and vocalic uses of the letter. ..... Click the link for more information. ). It is a usual symbol for a voiced labiodental spirant, as in the English vat. In Roman numerals it corresponds to Arabic 5. In chemistry V is the symbol of the element vanadiumvanadium , metallic chemical element; symbol V; at. no. 23; at. wt. 50.9415; m.p. about 1,890°C;; b.p. 3,380°C;; sp. gr. about 6 at 20°C;; valence +2, +3, +4, or +5. Vanadium is a soft, ductile, silver-grey metal. ..... Click the link for more information. .V (electricity) electric potential (chemistry) vanadium (electricity) volt V1. Abbr. for volt. 2. On drawings, abbr. for valve. 3. On drawings, abbr. for “vacuum.”VA general acronym for velocity, which includes TAS (true air speed), EAS (equivalent air speed), and ASIR (air-speed indicator reading).VUpper case V, ASCII character 86, known in INTERCAL asbook.
1. A testbed for distributed system research.
2. Wide-spectrum language used in the knowledge-basedenvironment CHI. "Research on Knowledge-Based SoftwareEnvironments at Kestrel Inst", D.R. Smith et al, IEEE TransSoft Eng SE-11(11):1278-1295 (1985).
V, 22d letter of the alphabetalphabet [Gr. alpha-beta, like Eng. ABC], system of writing, theoretically having a one-for-one relation between character (or letter) and phoneme (see phonetics). Few alphabets have achieved the ideal exactness. ..... Click the link for more information. (see UU, 21st letter of the alphabet, corresponding to the Greek upsilon [Gr.,=u without the aspirate]. Until the late Middle Ages the capital was V, the minuscule u, no distinction being made between the consonantal and vocalic uses of the letter. ..... Click the link for more information. ). It is a usual symbol for a voiced labiodental spirant, as in the English vat. In Roman numerals it corresponds to Arabic 5. In chemistry V is the symbol of the element vanadiumvanadium , metallic chemical element; symbol V; at. no. 23; at. wt. 50.9415; m.p. about 1,890°C;; b.p. 3,380°C;; sp. gr. about 6 at 20°C;; valence +2, +3, +4, or +5. Vanadium is a soft, ductile, silver-grey metal. ..... Click the link for more information. .V (electricity) electric potential (chemistry) vanadium (electricity) volt V1. Abbr. for volt. 2. On drawings, abbr. for valve. 3. On drawings, abbr. for “vacuum.”VA general acronym for velocity, which includes TAS (true air speed), EAS (equivalent air speed), and ASIR (air-speed indicator reading).VUpper case V, ASCII character 86, known in INTERCAL asbook. 1. A testbed for distributed system research. 2. Wide-spectrum language used in the knowledge-basedenvironment CHI. "Research on Knowledge-Based SoftwareEnvironments at Kestrel Inst", D.R. Smith et al, IEEE TransSoft Eng SE-11(11):1278-1295 (1985).V
V vanadium; vision; volt; volume.V1. Abbreviation for vision or visual acuity; volt; with subscript 1, 2, 3, etc., the abbreviation for unipolar electrocardiogram leads. 2. Symbol for vanadium; valine; valyl; volume, frequently with subscripts denoting location, chemical species, and/or conditions. VAbbreviation for volume. v1. Abbreviation for volt; initial rate velocity; velocity; vel [L. or]. 2. As a subscript, refers to venous blood. V̄As a subscript, refers to mixed venous (pulmonary arterial) blood.V Symbol for: 1. Electric potential.2. Specific volume 3 Vaccinated 4. Valine 5. Valve 6. Vanadium 7. Variable region–immunology 8. Vein 9. Velocity 10. Venous 11. Version 12. Vertex 1.
v Symbol for: 1.Specific volume.2. Velocity.3. Vitamin.V Symbol for vanadium; valine; volt.
v Abbreviation for velocity; volt; a subscript, refers to mixed venous (pulmonary arterial) blood. V Abbreviation for valine; volt.
V vanadium; vision; volt; volume.V1. Abbreviation for vision or visual acuity; volt; with subscript 1, 2, 3, etc., the abbreviation for unipolar electrocardiogram leads. 2. Symbol for vanadium; valine; valyl; volume, frequently with subscripts denoting location, chemical species, and/or conditions. VAbbreviation for volume. v1. Abbreviation for volt; initial rate velocity; velocity; vel [L. or]. 2. As a subscript, refers to venous blood. V̄As a subscript, refers to mixed venous (pulmonary arterial) blood.V Symbol for: 1. Electric potential.2. Specific volume 3 Vaccinated 4. Valine 5. Valve 6. Vanadium 7. Variable region–immunology 8. Vein 9. Velocity 10. Venous 11. Version 12. Vertex 1.
v Symbol for: 1.Specific volume.2. Velocity.3. Vitamin.V Symbol for vanadium; valine; volt.
v Abbreviation for velocity; volt; a subscript, refers to mixed venous (pulmonary arterial) blood. V Abbreviation for valine; volt.
V vanadium; vision; volt; volume.V1. Abbreviation for vision or visual acuity; volt; with subscript 1, 2, 3, etc., the abbreviation for unipolar electrocardiogram leads. 2. Symbol for vanadium; valine; valyl; volume, frequently with subscripts denoting location, chemical species, and/or conditions. VAbbreviation for volume. v1. Abbreviation for volt; initial rate velocity; velocity; vel [L. or]. 2. As a subscript, refers to venous blood. V̄As a subscript, refers to mixed venous (pulmonary arterial) blood.V Symbol for: 1. Electric potential.2. Specific volume 3 Vaccinated 4. Valine 5. Valve 6. Vanadium 7. Variable region–immunology 8. Vein 9. Velocity 10. Venous 11. Version 12. Vertex 1.
v Symbol for: 1.Specific volume.2. Velocity.3. Vitamin.V Symbol for vanadium; valine; volt.
v Abbreviation for velocity; volt; a subscript, refers to mixed venous (pulmonary arterial) blood. V Abbreviation for valine; volt. See Versus
Versus (redirected from V)
Versus[Latin, Against.] A designation used in the caption of a lawsuit to indicate the opposite positions taken by the parties. In the title of a lawsuit, the plaintiff's name appears first; the word versus follows; then the defendant's name appears, as in "A versus B." Versus is commonly abbreviated vs. or v. VERSUS. Against; as A B versus C D. This is usually abbreviated v. V
VFifth letter of a Nasdaq stock symbol indicate that it is when-issued or when-distributed.
VFifth letter of a Nasdaq stock symbol indicate that it is when-issued or when-distributed.V
Acronym | Definition |
V➣Visa (credit card) | V➣Volt | V➣Verb | V➣Vatican (international automobile identification) | V➣Velocity or speed | V➣5 (Roman numeral) | V➣Video | V➣Version | V➣We | V➣Value | V➣Vegan | V➣Voice | V➣Very | V➣Vector | V➣Virtual | V➣Vision | V➣Volume | V➣Valley | V➣Single Connection (relative to Net access) | V➣Vice | V➣Vacation | V➣Victoria | V➣Visitors | V➣Vehicle | V➣Vital | V➣Victory | V➣Variable | V➣Versus | V➣Verse | V➣Voltage (physics) | V➣Victor (aviation letter code) | V➣Variant | V➣Venturi | V➣Verso | V➣Velocity | V➣Vide (Latin: see) | V➣Vanadium | V➣Vegetarian (food labeling) | V➣Vomiting | V➣Valor (military award medals) | V➣Ventilation | V➣British Columbia (postal code designation, Canada) | V➣Vessels (blood) | V➣Gas Flow | V➣Valine (amino acid) | V➣Vivendi Universal (stock symbol) | V➣Vendetta (comic) | V➣Veto (as in V-chips on televisions) | V➣Viscount | V➣Varsity | V➣Vowel | V➣Vecka (Swedish: Week) | V➣Visual Acuity | V➣Vitreous | V➣Vänsterpartiet (Swedish political party) | V➣Violini (catalog of Graf zeppelin mail; philately) | V➣Canadian Vickers (aircaraft mark) | V➣Sector Pattern (US DoD) | V➣Velocity of Target Drift (US DoD) | V➣VTOL/STOL (US military aircraft vehicle type designation) | V➣Peak Hour Flows (peak hour forecast traffic flows) | V➣Search and Rescue Unit Ground Speed (US DoD) | V➣US DoT tire speed rating (150 mph) | V➣Vanessa Hudgens music album (Disney Channel star) | V➣V-Band: 40 GHz-75 GHz frequency band |
Synonyms for Vnoun a unit of potential equal to the potential difference between two points on a conductor carrying a current of 1 ampere when the power dissipated between the two points is 1 wattSynonymsRelated Words- potential unit
- abvolt
- millivolt
- mV
- microvolt
- nanovolt
- picovolt
- femtovolt
- kilovolt
- kV
noun a soft silvery white toxic metallic element used in steel alloysSynonymsRelated Words- metal
- metallic element
- carnotite
- vanadinite
noun the cardinal number that is the sum of four and oneSynonyms- 5
- cinque
- fin
- five
- fivesome
- Little Phoebe
- pentad
- Phoebe
- quint
- quintuplet
- quintet
Related Wordsnoun the 22nd letter of the Roman alphabetRelated Words- Latin alphabet
- Roman alphabet
- alphabetic character
- letter of the alphabet
- letter
adj being one more than fourSynonymsRelated Words |