

(riːˈdrɛs) vb (tr) to dress (someone or something) again




(n. ˈri drɛs, rɪˈdrɛs; v. rɪˈdrɛs)

n., v. -dressed, -dress•ing. n. 1. the setting right of what is morally wrong. 2. relief from wrong or injury. 3. compensation for such wrong or injury. v.t. 4. to remedy (wrongs, injuries, etc.). 5. to correct (abuses, evils, etc.). 6. to relieve (suffering, want, etc.). 7. to adjust evenly again, as a balance. [1275–1325; (v.) Middle English < Middle French redresser, Old French redrecier= re- re- + drecier to straighten (see dress); (n.) Middle English < Anglo-French redresse, redresce, derivative of the v.] re•dress′a•ble, re•dress′i•ble, adj. re•dress′er, re•dres′sor, n. syn: redress, reparation, restitution suggest making amends or giving compensation for a wrong. redress may refer either to the act of setting right an unjust situation or to satisfaction sought or gained for a wrong suffered: the redress of grievances. reparation refers to compensation or satisfaction for a wrong or loss inflicted. The word may have the moral idea of amends, but more frequently it refers to financial compensation: to make reparation for one's neglect; the reparations demanded of the aggressor nations. restitution means literally the giving back of what has been taken from the lawful owner, but may refer to restoring the equivalent of what has been taken: The servant convicted of robbery made restitution to his employer.


Past participle: re-dressed
Gerund: re-dressing
I re-dress
you re-dress
he/she/it re-dresses
we re-dress
you re-dress
they re-dress
I re-dressed
you re-dressed
he/she/it re-dressed
we re-dressed
you re-dressed
they re-dressed
Present Continuous
I am re-dressing
you are re-dressing
he/she/it is re-dressing
we are re-dressing
you are re-dressing
they are re-dressing
Present Perfect
I have re-dressed
you have re-dressed
he/she/it has re-dressed
we have re-dressed
you have re-dressed
they have re-dressed
Past Continuous
I was re-dressing
you were re-dressing
he/she/it was re-dressing
we were re-dressing
you were re-dressing
they were re-dressing
Past Perfect
I had re-dressed
you had re-dressed
he/she/it had re-dressed
we had re-dressed
you had re-dressed
they had re-dressed
I will re-dress
you will re-dress
he/she/it will re-dress
we will re-dress
you will re-dress
they will re-dress
Future Perfect
I will have re-dressed
you will have re-dressed
he/she/it will have re-dressed
we will have re-dressed
you will have re-dressed
they will have re-dressed
Future Continuous
I will be re-dressing
you will be re-dressing
he/she/it will be re-dressing
we will be re-dressing
you will be re-dressing
they will be re-dressing
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been re-dressing
you have been re-dressing
he/she/it has been re-dressing
we have been re-dressing
you have been re-dressing
they have been re-dressing
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been re-dressing
you will have been re-dressing
he/she/it will have been re-dressing
we will have been re-dressing
you will have been re-dressing
they will have been re-dressing
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been re-dressing
you had been re-dressing
he/she/it had been re-dressing
we had been re-dressing
you had been re-dressing
they had been re-dressing
I would re-dress
you would re-dress
he/she/it would re-dress
we would re-dress
you would re-dress
they would re-dress
Past Conditional
I would have re-dressed
you would have re-dressed
he/she/it would have re-dressed
we would have re-dressed
you would have re-dressed
they would have re-dressed