Uzhgorod, University of

Uzhgorod, University of


the first Soviet higher educational institution in Transcarpathia, founded in 1945. In 1975 the university had departments of history, philology, biology, chemistry, mathematics, physics, medicine, Romano-Germanic philology, and general technology; an evening department; and two departments of correspondence courses. It also had a preparatory division, a graduate school, courses for advanced training of specialists, 62 subdepartments, three special problems laboratories, a computer center, a botanical garden, and a zoological museum. Library holdings numbered more than 1 million.

In the 1975–76 academic year more than 11,000 students attended the university, and the faculty numbered 570, including 32 professors and doctors of sciences and 274 docents and candidates of sciences. More than 17,000 specialists have been trained at the University of Uzhgorod since its founding.