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DictionarySeepericardialEncyclopediaSeeEffusionpericardial effusion
effusion [ĕ-fu´zhun] 1. escape of a fluid into a part; exudation or transudation.2. an exudate or transudate.chyliform effusion see chylothorax.chylous effusion see chylothorax.pericardial effusion the accumulation of an abnormally large amount of pericardial fluid in the pericardium. Accumulated fluid from a pericardial effusion evacuated by the subxiphoid approach to pericardiocentesis. From Polaski and Tatro, 1996.pleural effusion see pleural effusion.pseudochylous effusion see chylothorax.per·i·car·di·al ef·fu·sionincreased fluid within the pericardial sac; can cause circulatory compromise by compression of the heart; most often caused by inflammation, infection, malignancy, and uremia. Synonym(s): dropsy of pericardiumpericardial effusion Medtalk An abnormal collection of fluid in the pericardiumper·i·car·di·al ef·fu·sion (per'i-kahr'dē-ăl ĕ-fyū'zhŭn) Increased amounts of fluid within the pericardial sac, usually due to inflammation. See PEEF See PEThesaurusSeeeffusion |