periarterial plexus of maxillary artery

per·i·ar·te·ri·al plex·us of max·il·lar·y ar·ter·y

an autonomic plexus on the maxillary artery derived from the external carotid plexus. Synonym(s): internal maxillary plexus, maxillary plexus, plexus maxillaris internus, plexus periarterialis arteriae maxillaris

per·i·ar·te·ri·al plex·us of max·il·lar·y ar·te·ry

(perē-ahr-tērē-ăl pleksŭs maksi-lar-ē ahrtĕr-ē) An autonomic plexus on the maxillary artery derived from the external carotid plexus.
Synonym(s): maxillary plexus.