periapical curettage

per·i·ap·i·cal cu·ret·tage

1. removal of a cyst or granuloma from its pathologic bony crypt, using a curette; 2. the removal of tooth fragments and debris from sockets at the time of extraction or subsequent removal of bone sequestra.

per·i·ap·i·cal cu·ret·tage

(per'ē-ap'i-kăl kūr'ĕ-tahzh') 1. Removal of a cyst or granuloma from its pathologic bony crypt, using a curette. 2. The removal of tooth fragments and debris from sockets at the time of extraction or of bone sequestra subsequently.

periapical curettage

Use of a curet to remove pathological tissues from around the apex of the tooth root.See also: curettage

per·i·ap·i·cal cu·ret·tage

(per'ē-ap'i-kăl kūr'ĕ-tahzh') 1. Removal of a cyst or granuloma from its pathologic bony crypt, using a curette. 2. Removal of tooth fragments and debris from sockets at time of extraction or subsequent removal of bone sequestra.