periapical cemental dysplasia

per·i·ap·i·cal ce·ment·al dys·pla·si·a

a benign, painless, nonneoplastic condition of the jaws that occurs almost exclusively in middle-aged black women; lesions are usually multiple, most frequently involve vital mandibular anterior teeth, surround the root apices, and are initially radiolucent (becoming more opaque as they mature). Synonym(s): periapical osteofibrosis

per·i·ap·i·cal ce·ment·al dys·pla·si·a

(per'ē-ap'i-kăl sĕ-men'tăl dis-plā'zē-ă) A benign, painless, nonneoplastic condition of the jaws that occurs almost exclusively in middle-aged black women; lesions are usually multiple, most frequently involve vital mandibular anterior teeth, surround the root apices, and are initially radiolucent (becoming more opaque as they mature).

per·i·ap·i·cal ce·ment·al dys·pla·si·a

(per'ē-ap'i-kăl sĕ-men'tăl dis-plā'zē-ă) Benign, painless, nonneoplastic condition of jaws that occurs almost exclusively in middle-aged black women; lesions are usually multiple, most frequently involve vital mandibular anterior teeth, surround root apices, and are initially radiolucent (becoming more opaque as they mature).