Acronym | Definition |
TPA➣Third Party Administrator |
TPA➣Tissue Plasminogen Activator |
TPA➣Trade Practices Act (Australia) |
TPA➣Theta Phi Alpha (women's fraternity) |
TPA➣Tonnes Per Annum |
TPA➣Trade Promotion Authority (international trade negotiating) |
TPA➣TASIS ( (The American School in Switzerland) Parent Association |
TPA➣Technology Promotion Association (Thailand and Japan) |
TPA➣Tampa Port Authority (Tampa, FL) |
TPA➣Third Party Application |
TPA➣Transparency Adapter |
TPA➣Third Party Auditor |
TPA➣Third Party Access (gas industry) |
TPA➣Treponema Pallidum |
TPA➣Terephthalic Acid |
TPA➣Third Party Application (software) |
TPA➣Trading Partner Agreement |
TPA➣Tibial Plateau Angle (veterinary orthopedics) |
TPA➣Toronto Port Authority |
TPA➣Tourism Promotion Agency (various locations) |
TPA➣Tri-Party Agreement |
TPA➣Tempe Preparatory Academy (Tempe, AZ) |
TPA➣Total Plate Appearances (baseball) |
TPA➣Town Planning Act (various locations) |
TPA➣Trans-Palatal Arch (dentistry) |
TPA➣Third Party Authentication (computer security) |
TPA➣Two-Photon Absorption |
TPA➣Traffic Pattern Altitude |
TPA➣Traffic Pattern Altitude (aviation) |
TPA➣Teacher Performance Assessment |
TPA➣Trees Per Acre |
TPA➣Texture Profile Analysis |
TPA➣Third-Party Claims Administrator (insurance) |
TPA➣Turbo Package Analyzer (trademark of Ansoft, LLC) |
TPA➣Tenant Protection Act (replaced Landlord and Tenant Act, Ontario, Canada) |
TPA➣Tube & Pipe Association, International |
TPA➣Tax Payers' Alliance (UK) |
TPA➣Third Party Approval (contracts) |
TPA➣Triphenylamine |
TPA➣Technology Partnership Agreement (various organizations) |
TPA➣Transportation Partnership Account (Washington) |
TPA➣Tempat Pembuangan Akhir (Indonesian) |
TPA➣Televisão Publica de Angola (Portuguese: Angolan Public Television) |
TPA➣Tetradecanoylphorbol Acetate |
TPA➣Transient Program Area |
TPA➣Third Party Annotation |
TPA➣Transfer of Physical Assets |
TPA➣Toronto Police Association |
TPA➣Toronto Parking Authority |
TPA➣Terminal Position Assurance (electrical assembly) |
TPA➣Thermal Polyaspartate |
TPA➣The Perl Archive (programming) |
TPA➣Technical Practice Aid |
TPA➣Travelers Protective Association |
TPA➣Third Party Agreement |
TPA➣Telephone Pioneers of America |
TPA➣Total Professeurs Associés (French: Total Associate Professors) |
TPA➣Transfer of Pay Account (US Navy) |
TPA➣Tilt Platform Assembly (US NASA) |
TPA➣Triple Play Analyzer (Agilent Technologies) |
TPA➣Thermal Protective Aid (survival suit) |
TPA➣Tampa, FL, USA - Tampa International (Airport Code) |
TPA➣The Parent Academy (Florida) |
TPA➣Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons |
TPA➣Trespass to Property Act |
TPA➣Texas Produce Association |
TPA➣Technologie et Partenariat en Agroalimentaire |
TPA➣Total Package Approach |
TPA➣Third Party Assessment (various organizations) |
TPA➣Thermal Plasma Analyzer |
TPA➣Total Plaque Area |
TPA➣Ten Pin Alley (bowling game) |
TPA➣Tennis-Point Academy (Germany) |
TPA➣Transmit Power Amplifier (Pirelli) |
TPA➣The Poverty Alliance |
TPA➣Teachers' Pension Agency (UK) |
TPA➣Training Proficiency Assessment (US DoD) |
TPA➣Texas Pilots Association |
TPA➣Transfer Price Agreement |
TPA➣Thieves Per Acre (gaming) |
TPA➣Turbopump Assembly |
TPA➣Protocol Address of the Target |
TPA➣Triangle Photographers Association |
TPA➣Timber Producers Association of Michigan and Wisconsin |
TPA➣Texas Pharmaceutical Association |
TPA➣Trusted Parallel Application |
TPA➣Test Planning Analysis |
TPA➣Technology Program Annex |
TPA➣Tiers Payant Assistance (French: Third-Party Payment) |
TPA➣Technology Planning Annex |
TPA➣Track Production Area |
TPA➣Terminal Privilege Authority |
TPA➣Transponder Performance Analyzer |
TPA➣Test Project Agreement |
TPA➣Trial Preparation Assistant (Law) |
TPA➣Trigger Pulse Amplifier |
TPA➣Transaction Processing Activity |
TPA➣Travel by Privately Owned Conveyance is Authorized |
TPA➣Tissular Polypeptide Antigen (tumoral marker) |
TPA➣Transmit Power Allocation |
TPA➣Transmit Phased Array |
TPA➣Transportation by Personal Auto |
TPA➣Touring Pédestre Annécien (French walking tour) |
TPA➣Transient Personnel Activity |
TPA➣Transuranic Package Area |
TPA➣Transfer Prohibited Acknowledgement signal (CCS #7/ITU-T) |
TPA➣Truncated Periodic Array |
TPA➣Thiefs Per Acre (Utopia game) |
TPA➣Training Partnership Agreement |
TPA➣Taller Permanente de Actuación (Spanish: Permanent Acting Workshop) |
TPA➣Tuned Power Amplifier |
TPA➣Tactical Planning Application (Bellcore) |