Start-Stop Printing Telegraph

start-stop printing telegraph

[′stärt ′stäp ′print·iŋ ′tel·ə·graf] (communications) Form of printing telegraph in which the signal-receiving mechanisms, normally at rest, are started in operation at the beginning and stopped at the end of each character transmitted over the channel.

Start-Stop Printing Telegraph


a type of printing telegraph distinguished by the discontinuous operation of the transmitter and receiver. Start-stop printing telegraphs are used in telegraph lines as terminal equipment and in low-speed systems for the transmission of data. The wide use enjoyed by these telegraphs is explained by the many advantages offered, including the printed form in which the received message is presented, the ability of the receiver to start without the intervention of an operator, the simplicity of the (typewriter) keyboard in the transmitter, and the high rate of performance and reliability of the unit.