red neuralgia

red neuralgia

(1) Cluster headache, see there. 
(2) Erythromelalgia, see there.


(ĕ-rith'rō-mel-al'jē-ă) 1. Paroxysmal throbbing and burning pain in the skin often precipitated by exertion or heat, affecting the hands and feet, accompanied by a dusky mottled redness of the parts with increased skin temperature; may be associated with myeloproliferative disorders. 2. A rare disorder of middle age, characterized by paroxysmal attacks of severe burning pain, reddening, hyperalgesia, and sweating, involving one or more extremities, usually both feet; the attacks can be triggered by warmth, and are usually relieved by cold and limb elevation.
Synonym(s): Mitchell disease, red neuralgia.
[erythro- + G. melos, limb, + algos, pain]