释义 |
superior salivary nucleus
su·pe·ri·or sa·li·va·tor·y nu·cle·us [TA] a group of preganglionic parasympathetic motor neurons situated rostral and lateral to the inferior salivatory nucleus; it governs secretion of the lacrimal, sublingual, and submaxillary glands by way of the facial nerve and the sphenopalatine and submandibular ganglia. Synonym(s): nucleus salivatorius superior [TA], superior salivary nucleussuperior salivary nucleusn. A group of preganglionic parasympathetic motor neurons situated near the inferior salivary nucleus and governing secretion of the lacrimal, sublingual, and submaxillary glands by way of the facial nerve and the sphenopalatine and submandibular ganglia.AcronymsSeeSSN |