Acronym | Definition |
BBG➣Brooklyn Botanic Garden |
BBG➣Bellevue Botanical Garden (Washington) |
BBG➣Broadcasting Board of Governors |
BBG➣Bloomberg (financial company) |
BBG➣Black Books Galore (Stamford, CT) |
BBG➣Boing Boing Gadgets (blog) |
BBG➣Bundesbeamtengesetz (German Law) |
BBG➣Business Banking Group (various locations) |
BBG➣Beitragsbemessungsgrenze (German: Income Threshold) |
BBG➣Blue Badge Guide (UK) |
BBG➣B'nai B'rith Girls |
BBG➣Barclays Bank of Ghana |
BBG➣Bergbau-Berufsgenossenschaft (Germany) |
BBG➣Bootsbau Berlin, GmbH (German: Boatbuilding Berlin) |
BBG➣Brennan Beer Gorman Architects (New York, NY) |
BBG➣Beta Beta Gamma (sorority; est. 1948) |
BBG➣Bloc de Branche Gauche (French: Left Bundle Branch Block; cardiology) |
BBG➣Bare Board Group (circuit boards; Florida) |
BBG➣Biri Bizi Gozetliyor (Turkish TV show) |
BBG➣British Brands Group |
BBG➣Bedside Blood Glucose |
BBG➣Battleship Battle Group |
BBG➣British Business Group, Dubai & Northern Emirates |
BBG➣Broadband Gateway |
BBG➣Guided Missile Capital Ship |
BBG➣Beauquier Belloy Gauvain (French law firm) |
BBG➣Bleu Brillant G (French: Brilliant Blue G; food dye) |
BBG➣Big Black Guy/Gal |
BBG➣Big Booger Getter |
BBG➣Brighton Goes Gospel |
BBG➣Bouzidi Brothers Groupe (Tunisia) |