superior hypogastric (nerve) plexus

su·pe·ri·or hy·po·gas·tric (nerve) plex·us

[TA] the continuation of the aortic plexus inferior to the aortic bifurcation across the fifth lumbar vertebra into the pelvis where it divides into two hypogastric nerves at the sides of the rectum; these join the pelvic splanchnic nerves to form the inferior hypogastric plexuses supplying pelvic viscera. Synonym(s): plexus (nervosus) hypogastricus superior [TA], nervus presacralis ☆ , presacral nerve ☆ , Latarget nerve (1)

su·pe·ri·or hy·po·gas·tric (nerve) plex·us

(sŭ-pēr'ē-ŏr hī'pō-gas'trik nĕrv pleks'ŭs) [TA] The continuation of the aortic plexus inferior to the aortic bifurcation across the fifth lumbar vertebra into the pelvis where it divides into two hypogastric nerves at the sides of the rectum; these join the pelvic splanchnic nerves to form the inferior hypogastric plexuses supplying pelvic viscera.