释义 |
uridrosisa condition in which urine or its constituents appear in the perspiration.See also: Disease and Illnessuridrosis
u·ri·dro·sis (yūr'i-drō'sis), The excretion of urea or uric acid in the sweat. [uri- + G. hidrōs, sweat] u·ri·dro·sis (yūr'i-drō'sis) The excretion of urea or uric acid in the sweat. Synonym(s): urhidrosis. [uri- + G. hidrōs, sweat]uridrosis (ū-rĭ-drō′sĭs) [″ + hidrosis, a sweating] The presence of urea in the sweat. Evaporation may show white scales, the crystals of urea. u·ri·dro·sis (yūr'i-drō'sis) Excretion of urea or uric acid in sweat. [uri- + G. hidrōs, sweat] |