Severnaia Dvina Waterway System
Severnaia Dvina Waterway System
one of the oldest man-made waterways in the USSR, built in the period 1825–28 and rebuilt in the periods 1882–85 and 1914–17. The Severnaia Dvina Waterway System runs from the settlement of Topornia on the Sheksna River to the Znamenityi Lock at the source of the Sukhona River. It is made up of parts of the Poz-dyshka, Itkla, Porozovitsa, and Sukhona rivers and seven lakes, including Lake Kubena, the source of the Sukhona. Its various parts are connected by canals—the Topornia. Kuz’minskoe. two Vazerinskii, and Kishemskii canals. The system includes seven locks and eight dams and has a total length of 135 km. It joins the basins of the Severnaia Dvina and Volga through the Sukhona River and the Volga-Baltic Waterway. Timber is the principal item of freight traffic.