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arthrostomy arthrostomy [ahr-thros´tah-me] surgical creation of an opening in a joint, as for drainage.ar·thros·to·my (ar-thros'tō-mē), Establishment of a temporary opening into a joint cavity. [arthro- + G. stoma, mouth] arthrostomy (är-thrŏs′tə-mē)n. Surgical construction of a temporary opening into a joint cavity.ar·thros·to·my (ahr-thros'tŏ-mē) Establishment of a temporary opening into a joint cavity. [G. arthron, joint + G. stoma, mouth]ar·thros·to·my (ahr-thros'tŏ-mē) Establishment of a temporary opening into a joint cavity. [G. arthron, joint + G. stoma, mouth] |