

单词 performance



P0189500 (pər-fôr′məns)n.1. The act of performing or the state of being performed.2. The act or style of performing a work or role before an audience.3. The way in which someone or something functions: The pilot rated the airplane's performance in high winds.4. A presentation, especially a theatrical one, before an audience.5. Something performed; an accomplishment.6. Linguistics One's actual use of language in actual situations.


(pəˈfɔːməns) n1. the act, process, or art of performing2. an artistic or dramatic production: last night's performance was terrible. 3. manner or quality of functioning: a machine's performance. 4. informal mode of conduct or behaviour, esp when distasteful or irregular: what did you mean by that performance at the restaurant?. 5. informal any tiresome procedure: what a performance dressing the children to play in the snow!. 6. any accomplishment7. (Linguistics) linguistics (in transformational grammar) the form of the human language faculty, viewed as concretely embodied in speakers. Compare competence5, langue, parole5


(pərˈfɔr məns)

n. 1. an entertainment presented before an audience. 2. the act of performing a ceremony, play, piece of music, etc. 3. the execution or accomplishment of work, acts, feats, etc. 4. a particular action, deed, or proceeding. 5. an action or proceeding of an unusual or spectacular kind. 6. the act of performing. 7. the manner in which or the efficiency with which something reacts or fulfills its intended purpose. 8. Ling. a person's actual use of language in real situations. Compare competence (def. 4). [1485–95]
Noun1.performance - a dramatic or musical entertainmentperformance - a dramatic or musical entertainment; "they listened to ten different performances"; "the play ran for 100 performances"; "the frequent performances of the symphony testify to its popularity"public presentationshow - a social event involving a public performance or entertainment; "they wanted to see some of the shows on Broadway"routine, number, act, bit, turn - a short theatrical performance that is part of a longer program; "he did his act three times every evening"; "she had a catchy little routine"; "it was one of the best numbers he ever did"benefit - a performance to raise money for a charitable causeconcert - a performance of music by players or singers not involving theatrical stagingpianism - performance by or technique of a pianist; "a program of pianism"play reading - performance of a play by a group of readerspremiere - the first public performance of a play or movierecital - performance of music or dance especially by soloistsrendering, rendition - a performance of a musical composition or a dramatic role etc.; "they heard a live rendition of three pieces by Schubert"song and dance - theatrical performance combining singing and dancinghistrionics, theatrical, theatrical performance, representation - a performance of a playspectacular - a lavishly produced performance; "they put on a Christmas spectacular"world premiere - (music) the first public performance (as of a dramatic or musical work) anywhere in the worldcoda, finale - the closing section of a musical composition
2.performance - the act of presenting a play or a piece of music or other entertainment; "we congratulated him on his performance at the rehearsal"; "an inspired performance of Mozart's C minor concerto"dramatic performance, dramatic production - the act of performing a drama; "the group joined together in a dramatic production"encore - an extra or repeated performance; usually given in response to audience demandextemporisation, extemporization, improvisation - a performance given extempore without planning or preparationjuggle, juggling - throwing and catching several objects simultaneouslyconjuring trick, legerdemain, magic trick, thaumaturgy, magic, deception, conjuration, illusion, trick - an illusory feat; considered magical by naive observersmusical performance - the act of performing musicone-night stand - a performance in one place on one night onlyinterpretation, rendering, rendition - the act of interpreting something as expressed in an artistic performance; "her rendition of Milton's verse was extraordinarily moving"last hurrah, swan song - a final performance or effort (especially before retirement)demonstration, presentation, presentment - a show or display; the act of presenting something to sight or view; "the presentation of new data"; "he gave the customer a demonstration"acting, performing, playacting, playing - the performance of a part or role in a dramaprogramme, program - a performance (or series of performances) at a public presentation; "the program lasted more than two hours"
3.performance - the act of performing; of doing something successfully; using knowledge as distinguished from merely possessing it; "they criticised his performance as mayor"; "experience generally improves performance"carrying into action, carrying out, executionaction - something done (usually as opposed to something said); "there were stories of murders and other unnatural actions"specific performance - the performance of a legal contract as specified by its termslinguistic performance - (linguistics) a speaker's actual use of language in real situations; what the speaker actually says, including grammatical errors and other non-linguistic features such as hesitations and other disfluencies (contrasted with linguistic competence)mechanics, mechanism - the technical aspects of doing something; "a mechanism of social control"; "mechanisms of communication"; "the mechanics of prose style"officiation - the performance of a religious or ceremonial or public duty
4.performance - any recognized accomplishment; "they admired his performance under stress"; "when Roger Maris powered four home runs in one game his performance merits awe"accomplishment, achievement - the action of accomplishing somethingoverachievement - better than expected performance (better than might have been predicted from intelligence tests)underachievement - poorer than expected performance (poorer than might have been predicted from intelligence tests)
5.performance - process or manner of functioning or operating; "the power of its engine determines its operation"; "the plane's operation in high winds"; "they compared the cooking performance of each oven"; "the jet's performance conformed to high standards"functioning, operationphysical process, process - a sustained phenomenon or one marked by gradual changes through a series of states; "events now in process"; "the process of calcification begins later for boys than for girls"


noun1. presentation, playing, acting (out), staging, production, exhibition, interpretation, representation, rendering, portrayal, rendition They are giving a performance of Bizet's Carmen.2. show, appearance, concert, gig (informal), recital The band did three performances at the Royal Albert Hall.3. work, acts, conduct, exploits, feats The study looked at the performance of 18 surgeons.4. functioning, running, operation, working, action, behaviour, capacity, efficiency, capabilities What is the car's performance like?5. carrying out, practice, achievement, discharge, execution, completion, accomplishment, fulfilment, consummation the performance of his duties6. (Informal) carry-on (informal, chiefly Brit.), business, to-do, act, scene, display, bother, fuss, pantomime (informal, chiefly Brit.), song and dance (informal), palaver, rigmarole, pother She made a big performance of cooking the dinner.Quotations
"The only true performance is the one which attains madness" [Mick Jagger]


noun1. The act of beginning and carrying through to completion:discharge, effectuation, execution, prosecution.2. One's artistic conception as shown by the way in which something such as a dramatic role or musical composition is rendered:execution, interpretation, reading, realization, rendering, rendition.3. The way in which a machine or other thing performs or functions:behavior, functioning, operation, reaction, working (often used in plural).


(pəˈfoːm) verb1. to do, especially with care or as a duty. The doctor performed the operation. 執行,履行 执行,履行 2. to act (in the theatre etc) or do anything musical, theatrical etc to entertain an audience. The company will perform a Greek play; She performed on the violin. 演出 演出perˈformance noun1. the doing of something. He is very conscientious in the performance of his duties. 執行,履行 执行,履行 2. the way in which something or someone performs. His performance in the exams was not very good. 成績 成绩3. something done on stage etc. The company gave a performance of `Othello'; His last three performances have not been very good. 表演 表演perˈformer noun a person who performs, especially theatrically or musically. 執行者,表演者 执行者,表演者


  • When does the performance begin? → 演出几点开始?
  • When does the performance end? → 演出几点结束?
  • How long does the performance last? → 演出总共多长时间?

IdiomsSeecommand performance






a stage presentation created by a theatrical group that includes the actors, stage designer, and composer and that is headed in the modern theater by the director.

In the dramatic theater, preparation for a performance begins with the selection of a play. The type of play chosen is determined by the spiritual and aesthetic needs of the prospective audience and the resources of the company. Keeping in mind the play’s aim, genre, and style, the director interprets the play and its major roles, plans the scenery, costumes, makeup, music, and lighting, and decides on the approach to the dialogue and to the actors’ movements on the stage.

One of the most important aspects in the staging of a performance is the planning of the mise-en-scene. However, the stage sets and properties as well as the performance’s tempo and rhythm become meaningful only with inspired acting. The director’s primary task is therefore to work with the actors during rehearsals. The mise-en-scene is reviewed when the staging has been completed, with the actors in costume and makeup and the performance coordinated to music and sound effects. The lighting effects as well assume their final form at this time. The last stage in the preparation of a performance is the dress rehearsal, which is held in public and which gives the theatrical group an opportunity to understand to what extent their aims have been attained.

The great importance of music, singing, and choreography in the opera and ballet determines the major role played by the conductor and choreographer during the staging of a performance.


Gorchakov, N. M. Rabota rezhissera nad spektaklem. Moscow, 1956. Popov, A. Khudozhestvennaia tselostnost’spektaklia. Moscow, 1959.




 [per-form´ans] action taken to fulfill a task.performance components formerly, in occupational therapy" >occupational therapy, aspects of functional ability required for performance" >occupational performance; they were grouped into sensorimotor, cognitive, and psychological subcategories.ineffective role performance a nursing diagnosis accepted by the North American Nursing Diagnosis Association, defined as patterns of behavior and self-expression that do not match the environmental context, norms, and expectations; this may be a change in self-perception or perception by someone else, a denial of role, a conflict between roles, a change in capacity to perform a role, or some other change.occupational performance in occupational therapy" >occupational therapy, performance of all the activities that make up the individual's lifestyle; see also performance components.role performance the fulfilling of an expected pattern of behavior.


(pĕr-fōr'măns) Organized patterns of behavior that are characteristic or expected of a person in a given situation.

Patient discussion about performance

Q. Need help for my son, 7 years.I am worried that his academic performance shouldn’t get affected. Need help for my son, 7 years. He doesn’t take his food in time. He likes milk a lot; say 3-4 glasses, especially in chocolate milk forms. He enjoys good health but he is thin and suffers from constipation. I am worried that his academic performance shouldn’t get affected.A. Milk is good for kids. But consumption of abnormal volume could cause constipation. Consumption of more milk reduces the water intake which in turn paves the way for constipation. He needs to have balanced diet containing fats and carbohydrates to ensure weight gain. Make sure that he takes more of fruits and vegetables in his diet. Juice will provide with other nutrients like minerals as well give the required water content, which would reduce the constipation. Try this and if there be problem, consult your physician.

Q. I have a doubt whether performing yoga during pregnancy is good or not? Hi, my wife is 3 weeks pregnant. She is doing Yoga regularly. I have a doubt whether performing yoga during pregnancy is good or not? A. hi...This is Prashantmurti...I m a Yoga Teacher by profession...
Yoga has many dimentions...its not only Asanas...but it has Pranayamas, Relaxation and Meditation practices also...After 3 monthe moths of pregnance ur wife can do simple joints practices, few calming pranayamas including abdominal breathing (which helps in pregnance, Relaxation and mediation practice...If possible find a Yoga teacher from Satyananda Yoga (Bihar Yoga) and take practical guidance
Happy New Year

Q. Can yoga be performed with some other illness such as back pain? My low back pain has made me near lazy and stressful. It happed while lifting a heavy luggage when in emergency. I had to lift 3 extra large boxes for loading in to a container lorry. This has made some stretch in my back, which still pains and I fear getting it worse. It hurts me so badly that I am not able to even exercise. For long I have been thinking of doing yoga. Yoga gives peace of mind as well as mental strength. But can yoga be performed with some other illness such as back pain?A. A)Before trying yoga you must consult with your doctor. Mild low back pain can be healed with simple medications. It is quite natural to get back pain if you lift abnormal weight suddenly. If you regularly lift weights, then it will not hurt you. As far as yoga is concerned, it is very good for mind and body and is definitely liked with mental
happiness. Get trained under a qualified trainer. You can start with yoga once you recover fully from the low back pain.

More discussions about performance


Related to Performance: Performance management


The fulfillment or accomplishment of a promise, contract, or other obligation according to its terms.

Part performance entails the completion of some portion of what either party to a contract has agreed to do. With respect to the sale of goods, the payment—or receipt and acceptance of goods—makes an oral sales contract, otherwise unenforceable because of the Statute of Frauds, enforceable in regard to goods for which payment has been made and accepted or which have been received and accepted.

Specific Performance is an equitable doctrine that compels a party to execute the agreement according to its terms where monetary damages would be inadequate compensation for the breach of an agreement, as in the case of a sale of land. In regard to the sale of goods, a court orders specific performance only where the goods are unique or in other proper circumstances.


n. fulfillment of one's obligations required by contract. Specific performance of a contract may be demanded in a lawsuit. Partial performance is short of full performance spelled out in the contract, but if the contract provided for a series of acts or deliveries with payment for each of the series, there may be partial recovery for what has been performed or delivered even if there is not full performance. (See: specific performance)

PERFORMANCE. The act of doing something; the thing done is also called a performance; as, Paul is exonerated from the obligation of his contract by its performance.
2. When it contract has been made by parol, which, under the statute of frauds and perjuries, could not be enforced, because it was not in writing, and the party seeking to avoid it, has received the whole or a part performance of such agreement, he cannot afterwards avoid it; 14 John. 15; S. C. 1 John. Ch. R. 273; and such part performance will enable the other party to prove it aliunde. 1 Pet. C. C. R. 380; 1 Rand. R. 165; 1 Blackf. R. 58; 2 Day, R. 255; 1 Desaus. R. 350; 5 Day, R. 67; 1 Binn. R. 218; 3 Paige, R. 545; 1 John. Ch. R. 131, 146. Vide Specific performance.



1. The total return on an investment over a period of time.

2. A subjective measure of how an investment or the market generally is doing over a period of time.

3. In contracts, substantial completion of an agreed-upon task. That is, a party to a contract performs the contract when he has more-or-less completed what he has agreed to do, with no or only minor work left to do.


Performance, expressed as a percentage, measures the total return an investment provides over a specific period. It can be positive, representing a gain in value, or negative, representing a loss.

While return is reported on a second-to-second and day-to-day basis, short-term results are less significant an indicator of strength or weakness than performance over longer periods, such as one, five, or ten years.

Past performance is one of the factors you can use to evaluate a specific investment, but there's no guarantee that those results will be repeated in the future. What past performance can tell you is the way the investment has previously reacted to fluctuations in the markets, and, in the case of managed funds, something about the skills of the manager.

An investment is said to outperform when its return is stronger than the return of its benchmark or peers over the same period. Conversely, it is said to underperform if its results lag those of its benchmark or peer.


In contracts, the substantial completion of all duties and responsibilities. Note: The exact meaning of the word “substantial” is the cause of much litigation in contract law.


Related to performance: Performance management
  • noun

Synonyms for performance

noun presentation


  • presentation
  • playing
  • acting (out)
  • staging
  • production
  • exhibition
  • interpretation
  • representation
  • rendering
  • portrayal
  • rendition

noun show


  • show
  • appearance
  • concert
  • gig
  • recital

noun work


  • work
  • acts
  • conduct
  • exploits
  • feats

noun functioning


  • functioning
  • running
  • operation
  • working
  • action
  • behaviour
  • capacity
  • efficiency
  • capabilities

noun carrying out


  • carrying out
  • practice
  • achievement
  • discharge
  • execution
  • completion
  • accomplishment
  • fulfilment
  • consummation

noun carry-on


  • carry-on
  • business
  • to-do
  • act
  • scene
  • display
  • bother
  • fuss
  • pantomime
  • song and dance
  • palaver
  • rigmarole
  • pother

Synonyms for performance

noun the act of beginning and carrying through to completion


  • discharge
  • effectuation
  • execution
  • prosecution

noun one's artistic conception as shown by the way in which something such as a dramatic role or musical composition is rendered


  • execution
  • interpretation
  • reading
  • realization
  • rendering
  • rendition

noun the way in which a machine or other thing performs or functions


  • behavior
  • functioning
  • operation
  • reaction
  • working

Synonyms for performance

noun a dramatic or musical entertainment


  • public presentation

Related Words

  • show
  • routine
  • number
  • act
  • bit
  • turn
  • benefit
  • concert
  • pianism
  • play reading
  • premiere
  • recital
  • rendering
  • rendition
  • song and dance
  • histrionics
  • theatrical
  • theatrical performance
  • representation
  • spectacular
  • world premiere
  • coda
  • finale

noun the act of presenting a play or a piece of music or other entertainment

Related Words

  • dramatic performance
  • dramatic production
  • encore
  • extemporisation
  • extemporization
  • improvisation
  • juggle
  • juggling
  • conjuring trick
  • legerdemain
  • magic trick
  • thaumaturgy
  • magic
  • deception
  • conjuration
  • illusion
  • trick
  • musical performance
  • one-night stand
  • interpretation
  • rendering
  • rendition
  • last hurrah
  • swan song
  • demonstration
  • presentation
  • presentment
  • acting
  • performing
  • playacting
  • playing
  • programme
  • program

noun the act of performing


  • carrying into action
  • carrying out
  • execution

Related Words

  • action
  • specific performance
  • linguistic performance
  • mechanics
  • mechanism
  • officiation

noun any recognized accomplishment

Related Words

  • accomplishment
  • achievement
  • overachievement
  • underachievement

noun process or manner of functioning or operating


  • functioning
  • operation

Related Words

  • physical process
  • process




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