tropical eosinophilia


 [e″o-sin″o-fil´e-ah] 1. the formation and accumulation of an abnormally large number of eosinophils in the blood; see also hypereosinophilia. Called also eosinophilic leukocytosis.2. the condition of being readily stained with eosin" >eosin. adj., adj eosinophil´ic.tropical eosinophilia (tropical pulmonary eosinophilia) a subacute or chronic form of occult filariasis, usually involving Brugia malayi or Wuchereria bancrofti , occurring in the tropics. It is characterized by episodic nocturnal wheezing and coughing, strikingly elevated eosinophilia, and diffuse reticulonodular infiltrations of the lung. Sometimes the lymph nodes and spleen are greatly enlarged.

PIE syndrome

Pulmonary infiltrates with eosinophilia A condition characterized by intense, nonspecific Sx accompanied by chronic relapsing fever, cough and SOB, associated with chronic eosinophilic pneumonia PIE syndrome Simple PIE Löffler syndrome Transient pulmonary infiltrates fever, dyspnea, eosinophilia of peripheral blood Tropical eosinophilia Associated with microfilarial parasites–eg, Ascaris lumbricoides and Toxocara canis Secondary chronic pulmonary eosinophilia Associated with allergic bronchopneumonia related to aspergillosis, bronchocentric granulomatosis, allergic angiitis and granulomatosis–Churg-Strauss syndrome, drugs–nitrofurantoin, sulfonamide, and infections–parasitic, fungal, and bacterial

trop·i·cal e·o·sin·o·phil·i·a

(trop'ik-ăl ē'ō-sin'ō-fil'ē-ă) The disorder associated with cough and asthma, often caused by occult filarial infection without evidence of microfilaremia; common in India, Southeast Asia, and parts of Latin America. Adult filaria can often be found by means of ultrasound studies of lympholytic channels.