

单词 social work

social work

social work

n. Organized work intended to advance the social conditions of a community, and especially of the disadvantaged, by providing psychological counseling, guidance, and assistance, especially in the form of social services.
social worker n.

social work

n (Social Welfare) any of various social services designed to alleviate the conditions of the poor and aged and to increase the welfare of children social worker n

so′cial work`

n. any organized service or activity designed to improve social conditions in a community, as assistance to poor persons or troubled families. [1915–20] so′cial work`er, n.

social work

Work intended to improve the conditions of the disadvantaged in society, including counseling.
Noun1.social work - any of various services designed to aid the poor and aged and to increase the welfare of childrensocial work - any of various services designed to aid the poor and aged and to increase the welfare of childrensocial service, welfare work - an organized activity to improve the condition of disadvantaged people in society


(ˈsəuʃəl) adjective1. concerning or belonging to the way of life and welfare of people in a community. social problems. 社會的 社会的2. concerning the system by which such a community is organized. social class. 一定社會階層的 一定社会阶层的3. living in communities. Ants are social insects. 群居 群居4. concerning the gathering together of people for the purposes of recreation or amusement. a social club; His reasons for calling were purely social. 交際的,社交的 交际的,社交的 ˈsocialism noun the belief or theory that a country's wealth (its land, mines, industries, railways etc) should belong to the people as a whole, not to private owners. 社會主義 社会主义ˈsocialist noun a person who believes in and/or practises socialism. 社會主義者 社会主义者 adjective of or concerning socialism. socialist policies/governments. 社會主義的 社会主义的ˈsocialize, ˈsocialise verb to mix socially (eg with guests at a party etc). 社交往來 社交往来ˈsocially adverb in a social way. I've seen him at various conferences, but we've never met socially. 在社交方面 在社交方面social work work which deals with the care of people in a community, especially of the poor, under-privileged etc ( noun social worker) 社會福利工作 社会福利工作

social work

social work,

organized effort to help individuals and families to adjust themselves to the community, as well as to adapt the community to the needs of such persons and families.

Modern Social Work

Modern social work employs three methods of assistance: case work, group work, and community organization. Case work is the method by which individual persons and families are assisted. The person in need of case work may be physically, mentally, or socially handicapped. Among those regarded as socially handicapped are: the unemployed, the homeless, members of broken families, alcoholics, drug addicts, and neglected or problem children. To determine the cause of maladjustment, the social worker must understand individual psychology as well as the sociology of the community. Physicians, psychiatrists, and other specialists may be required to help diagnose the difficulty.

Social group work is exemplified by the social settlement, the supervised playground and gymnasium, and the classroom, where handicrafts may be learned. The community may be called upon to provide the buildings and grounds for such activities; often the services of volunteers and of public groups are utilized; in recent years people living in poverty areas have been employed to work in and direct poverty projects in their own communities.

Through community organization the welfare work of single agencies as well as of whole communities is directed, cooperation between public and private agencies is secured, and funds are raised and administered. The funds required by private agencies are often pooled in a community chestcommunity chest,
cooperative organization of citizens and social welfare agencies in a city. Also known as a united fund, it has two purposes: to raise funds through an annual campaign for its member agencies and to budget the funds raised.
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, from which each agency receives a share. Community welfare councils are organized to map programs of rehabilitation, to eliminate duplication of services, and to discover and meet overlooked needs.

The Development of Social Work

Social work emerged as a profession out of the early efforts of churches and philanthropic groups to relieve the effects of poverty, to bring the comforts of religion to the poor, to promote temperance and encourage thrift, to care for children, the sick, and the aged, and to correct the delinquent. Orphanages and homes for the elderly were typical results of these activities. The word charity best describes the early activities, which were aimed at the piecemeal alleviation of particular maladjustments. In such charitable work the principal criterion in determining aid to families was worthiness, while the emphasis in later social work was on restoring individuals to normal life both for their own sake and for the sake of the community.

The first attempts to solve the problem of poverty in a modern scientific way was made by P. G. F. Le Play, who in the 1850s made a detailed study of the budgets of hundreds of French workers' families. Forty years later Charles Booth investigated wages and prices, working conditions, housing and health, standards of living, and leisure activities among the poor of London and revealed the extreme poverty of a third of the population. Booth's social survey became a method for determining the extent of social maladjustment, and through surveys in other cities in Europe and the United States a vast number of facts were accumulated, and methods were developed that provided the basis for modern social work.

In 1874 the National Conference of Charities and Correction (now called the National Conference on Social Welfare) was organized in the United States. Public relief and private philanthropic effort remained largely matters of local and state concern until after 1930, when the federal government entered the field of social work on a large scale to cope with the effects of the Great DepressionGreat Depression,
in U.S. history, the severe economic crisis generally considered to have been precipitated by the U.S. stock-market crash of 1929. Although it shared the basic characteristics of other such crises (see depression), the Great Depression was unprecedented in its
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. Resources were made available, the number of social workers was greatly increased, and it became necessary to coordinate public and private activities. Social work has been steadily professionalized, and special graduate schools as well as departments in universities have been established to train social workers. By 1999 there were 377 accredited undergraduate schools of social work in the United States.


See I. A. Spergel, Community Problem Solving (1969); R. E. Smith and D. Zietz, American Social Welfare Institutions (1970); W. C. Richan and A. R. Mendelsohn, Social Work (1973).

social work

the organized provision of personal welfare services to people in need, including the poor, the physically and mentally disabled, the aged, children in need, etc. Social work also includes work with delinquents and criminals, e.g. the probation service, which is as much an adjunct of policing as concerned simply with the provision of welfare. The twin goals of social welfare and social control can be seen as concerns present in most types of social work. Arising from the new urban conditions which accompanied rapid industrialization in the 19th-century, at first social work was provided by private individuals or voluntary bodies. In modern industrial societies, social work has become increasingly professionalized and is now mainly provided by statutory agencies. Training in social work has usually included a major emphasis on sociology. Psychoanalytic perspectives, and more recently a knowledge of law, have also figured strongly. Reflecting in part these disciplinary differences, orientations to social work have sometimes emphasized attitudinal or personality changes at the individual level as the key to effective intervention, while at other times, e.g. radical or Marxist orientations to social work, directing attention to the underlying socioeconomic causes of individual problems has been seen as part of the role of the social worker. see also RADICAL SOCIAL WORK.

social work

any of various social services designed to alleviate the conditions of the poor and aged and to increase the welfare of children

social work


 [werk] activity directed toward accomplishing something.social work the activity of a social worker; work designed to promote the welfare of an individual or group.social work/counseling in the omaha system, the planning by a social worker or counselor to promote the welfare of individuals or families.

social work

Provision of social services (in fields such as child welfare, criminal justice, hospital-based medicine, or mental health) and the promotion of social welfare by a professionally trained person. Social work often involves advocacy and aid for individuals who are poor, elderly, homeless, unemployed, or discriminated against in society because of gender, race, or other biases. See also: work
FinancialSeeworkSee SWK

social work

  • noun

Words related to social work

noun any of various services designed to aid the poor and aged and to increase the welfare of children

Related Words

  • social service
  • welfare work




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