

P0187600 (pər-fĕk′tĭv)adj.1. Tending toward perfection.2. Grammar Of, related to, or being the aspect that expresses the completion or the result of the action denoted by the verb.n. Grammar 1. The perfective aspect.2. A perfective verb form.3. A verb having a perfective form.
per·fec′tive·ly adv.per·fec′tive·ness, per′fec·tiv′i·ty (pûr′fĕk-tĭv′ĭ-tē) n.


(pəˈfɛktɪvlɪ) adv1. formal in a perfective manner; thoroughly2. (Grammar) grammar in the manner of a perfective; with the function of a perfective