释义 |
Arthrobacter[′är·thrō‚bak·tər] (microbiology) A genus of gram-positive, aerobic rods in the coryneform group of bacteria; metabolism is respiratory, and cellulose is not attached. Arthrobacter
Arthrobacter (ar'thrō-bak'ter), A genus of strictly aerobic, gram-positive bacteria (family Corynebacteriaceae) the cells of which undergo a change from a coccoid form to a rod shape following transfer to fresh complex growth medium. Although primarily found in soil, species identified as belonging to this genus have been found in the advancing front of lesions of dental caries. The type species is Arthrobacter globiformis. [G. arthron, joint, + baktron, staff or rod] Arth·ro·bac·ter (ahrthrō-baktĕr) Genus of strictly aerobic, gram-positive bacteria the cells of which change from a coccoid form to a rod shape after transfer to fresh complex growth medium. Arthrobacter species have been found in the advancing front of lesions of dental caries. [G. arthron, joint, + baktron, staff or rod] |