

A UK health-improvement campaign developed by the same creators of Change4Life. Start4Life targets pregnant women, parents of newborns and their key influencers, and aims to help support families by encouraging healthy habits regarding feeding and activity levels. It offers healthcare and childcare professionals current advice on breast feeding, introducing solid foods and active play, communicates 6 key behaviours (see table) which have huge benefits for both baby and mother, and are designed to build healthy habits from day one. Start4Life reflects the same friendly, supportive and accessible tone as Change4Life, but also appreciates that decisions made at the start of a baby's life require sensitivity and understanding, and that new parents often need reassurance at what can be an overwhelming time.
Key behaviours in Start4Life are:
• Breastfeeding;
• For as long as possible;
• Don’t switch babies to solid foods too soon;
• Food variability reduces picky eating;
• Avoid sweetened foods;
• Keep the baby active.
All 6 behaviours are designed to increase infant health and reduce obesity and other diseases in later life.