

单词 productive



P0581100 (prə-dŭk′tĭv, prō-)adj.1. Producing or capable of producing crops, goods, or services, especially in abundance: a productive stretch of land; a productive employee.2. Marked by abundant production or achievement: a productive career. See Synonyms at fertile.3. Yielding favorable or useful results; constructive: a productive suggestion.4. Economics Of or involved in the creation of goods and services to produce wealth or value.5. Effective in achieving specified results; originative. Used with of: policies productive of much harm.6. Medicine a. Producing mucus or sputum: a productive cough.b. Forming new tissue: a productive inflammation.7. Linguistics a. Of or relating to the linguistic skills of speaking and writing.b. Of or relating to a linguistic element or rule that can be used to form further examples of a particular feature or pattern. The English past tense suffix -ed is productive since it continues to be added to new verbs to form the past tense.
pro·duc′tive·ly adv.pro·duc′tive·ness n.


(prəˈdʌktɪv) adj1. producing or having the power to produce; fertile2. yielding favourable or effective results3. (Economics) economics a. producing or capable of producing goods and services that have monetary or exchange value: productive assets. b. of or relating to such production: the productive processes of an industry. 4. (foll by: of) resulting in: productive of good results. 5. (Grammar) denoting an affix or combining form used to produce new words proˈductively adv proˈductiveness n


(prəˈdʌk tɪv)

adj. 1. able to produce; generative; creative. 2. producing abundantly; fertile: productive land. 3. causing; bringing about (usu. fol. by of): conditions productive of crime. 4. Econ. producing goods and services that have exchange value. 5. (of a derivational affix or pattern) readily used in forming new words, as the suffix -ness. [1605–15; < Medieval Latin] pro•duc′tive•ly, adv. pro•duc′tive•ness, pro•duc•tiv•i•ty (ˌproʊ dʌkˈtɪv ɪ ti) n. syn: productive, fertile, fruitful, prolific apply to the generative aspect of something. productive refers to a generative source of continuing activity: productive soil; a productive influence. fertile applies to that in which seeds, literal or figurative, take root: fertile soil; a fertile imagination. fruitful refers to that which has already produced and is capable of further production: fruitful species; fruitful discussions. prolific means highly productive: a prolific farm; a prolific writer.


  • cost-effective - Anything effective and productive in relation to its cost.
  • fecund, fecundation - Fecund is another word for "fertile, fruitful, productive"; fecundation is another word for "fertilization, impregnation."
  • originary - An adjective meaning "causing existence; productive," or "primitive; primary; original."
  • teemful - Fruitful, productive, prolific.
Adj.1.productive - producing or capable of producing (especially abundantly); "productive farmland"; "his productive years"; "a productive collaboration"creative, originative - having the ability or power to create; "a creative imagination"fertile - capable of reproducingfruitful - productive or conducive to producing in abundance; "be fruitful and multiply"profitable - yielding material gain or profit; "profitable speculation on the stock market"successful - having succeeded or being marked by a favorable outcome; "a successful architect"; "a successful business venture"unproductive - not producing or capable of producing; "elimination of high-cost or unproductive industries"
2.productive - having the ability to produce or originate; "generative power"; "generative forces"generative
3.productive - yielding positive resultssuccessful - having succeeded or being marked by a favorable outcome; "a successful architect"; "a successful business venture"
4.productive - marked by great fruitfulness; "fertile farmland"; "a fat land"; "a productive vineyard"; "rich soil"fertile, rich, fatfruitful - productive or conducive to producing in abundance; "be fruitful and multiply"


adjective1. fertile, rich, producing, prolific, plentiful, fruitful, teeming, generative, fecund fertile and productive soil
fertile poor, barren, sterile, unproductive, unfruitful, unfertile
2. creative, dynamic, vigorous, energetic, inventive a highly productive writer of fiction3. useful, rewarding, valuable, profitable, effective, worthwhile, beneficial, constructive, gratifying, fruitful, advantageous, win-win, gainful a productive relationship
useful useless, unproductive, unprofitable


adjective1. Producing or able to produce a desired effect:effective, effectual, efficacious, efficient.2. Capable of reproducing:fecund, fertile, fruitful, prolific.Biology: proliferous.3. Characterized by great productivity:fecund, fertile, fruitful, prolific, rich.4. Acting effectively with minimal waste:efficient.


(prəˈdjuːs) verb1. to bring out. She produced a letter from her pocket. 出示,拿出 出示2. to give birth to. A cow produces one or two calves a year. 生,產 生,产 3. to cause. His joke produced a shriek of laughter from the children. 引起 引起4. to make or manufacture. The factory produces furniture. (在工廠)製造,生產 制造,生产 5. to give or yield. The country produces enough food for the population. (自然地)生產 生产,出产 6. to arrange and prepare (a theatre performance, film, television programme etc). The play was produced by Henry Dobson. 演出,創作 演出,创作 (ˈprodjuːs) noun something that is produced, especially crops, eggs, milk etc from farms. agricultural/farm produce. 產品(尤指農產品) 产品,农产品 proˈducer noun a person who produces a play, film, etc, but is usually not responsible for instructing the actors. (電影的)製片人 (电影的)制片人 product (ˈprodəkt) noun1. a result. The plan was the product of hours of thought. 結果 结果2. something manufactured. The firm manufactures metal products. 產品 产品3. the result of multiplying one number by another. The product of 9 and 2 is 18. (乘)積 (乘)积 proˈduction (-ˈdakʃən) noun1. the act or process of producing something. car-production; The production of the film cost a million dollars. 製作,製造 制作,制造 2. the amount produced, especially of manufactured goods. The new methods increased production. 產量 产量3. a particular performance, or set of repeated performances, of a play etc. I prefer this production of `Hamlet' to the one I saw two years ago. 演出 演出proˈductive (-ˈdaktiv) adjective (negative unproductive) producing a lot; fruitful. productive land; Our discussion was not very productive. 多產的 多产的productivity (prodəkˈtivəti) noun the rate or efficiency of work especially in industrial production. 生產率 生产率



Economicsa. producing or capable of producing goods and services that have monetary or exchange value b. of or relating to such production



 [pro-duk´tiv] producing or forming; said especially of an inflammation that produces new tissue or of a cough that brings forth sputum or mucus.


(prō-dŭk'tiv), Producing or capable of producing; denoting especially an inflammation leading to the production of new tissue with or without an exudate. [see product]


(prə-dŭk′tĭv, prō-)adj. Medicine a. Producing mucus or sputum: a productive cough.b. Forming new tissue: a productive inflammation.
pro·duc′tive·ly adv.pro·duc′tive·ness n.


(prŏ-dŭk'tiv) Producing or capable of producing; denoting especially an inflammation leading to the production of new tissue with or without an exudate.

Patient discussion about productive

Q. Is it safe for teenagers to use weight loss products? This isn't an ethical question, but quite literally asking if it is safe for a teenager to use weight loss solutions like weight loss milkshakes and other things of that nature.Thanks in advance!A. From health point of view- there shouldn’t be a problem if those products are safe. But from an educational view- the minute you start relaying on weight loss products to loose weight for you- you become lazy. Then you’ll loose weight and gain it back with some extra. You need to start acquiring good habits while you are young- balanced nutrition and sports.

Q. i am diabetic :( what is the right diet for me? should i avoid sugar based products? what is the amount of sugar in the blood that consider to be normal ?A. You may find it all here:

Q. are colon cleansing products safe and are they beneficial? A. Unless you are having a problem with regularity I wouldn't fool around with cleansing products. Eat more fruits and vegetables and drink LOTS of water. Before I would do any colon cleansing I would add a product like metamucil or bran.

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(redirected from productive)


As a noun, the product of natural growth, labor, or capital. Articles produced or grown from or on the soil, or found in the soil.

As a verb, to bring forward; to show or exhibit; to bring into view or notice; as, to present a play, including its presentation in motion pictures. To produce witnesses or documents at trial in obedience to a subpoena or to be compelled to produce materials subject to discovery rules.

To make, originate, or yield, as gasoline. To bring to the surface, as oil. To yield, as revenue. Thus, funds are produced by taxation, not when the tax is levied, but when the sums are collected.

References in periodicals archiveHere's how to make sure your disagreements are productive:Disagreements can be productiveMeeder Investment Management, with over USD6bn (EUR4.4bn) worth of assets under management prior to the deal, has more than 50 associates providing advisory and administrative services to public and private sector clients in Ohio, where Productive Capital Management is also based and active, serving investment management needs of the public sector.Meeder Investment Management ties up with Productive Capital ManagementUp to now, many scholars have made definitions from different perspectives for receptive and productive vocabulary knowledge.Impact of vocabulary learning tasks on communicative knowledge of Iranian EFL learners with different proficiency levelsAfter Mexico, South Africa and Colombia (both 66.2 per cent), Denmark (65.6 per cent) and the Netherlands (65 per cent) had the most productive workers.PRODUCTIVITY STUDY FINDS UK LACKINGThe authors calculate that these closures automatically made the vertically integrated producers more productive, because those mills making steel sheet were already more productive than those making bars.Reallocation and technologyThe conference highlighted a number of institutional-based national initiatives that support the efforts of productive families, the strategic importance of the concept of productive families in modern global economies, as well as review and extract lessons learned from the experiences of developed countries that have embarked on programs to support productive families.CPC takes part in Jeddah national conferenceAnalyses showed that incoming scientists (6.6 percent of the total number of scientists studied) are most productive (1.38 where 1.00 is the average publication output for India), visiting or transitory scientists (23.4 percent) are almost as productive (1.34), while outgoing scientists (6.0 percent) are below average in productivity (0.95).Elsevier analysis reveals 'Brain Gain' rather than 'Brain Drain' for IndiaThe PCST, in its sixth directory titled 'Productive Scientists of Pakistan 2011', ranked these two great scientists, Dr Rahman and Dr Chaudhary, the top first and second among 1,109 productive scientists of Pakistan, employed in public/private sector universities, colleges and Rand D organistions, who have contributed in research, supervision of students and any other productive work during the period 1960-2008, says a press release issued here recently.KU scientists ranked more productivePresent were Mirza Hussein Al Sayegh, Director of the Office of Shaikh Hamdan bin Rashid and Member of the Board of Trustees of Al Maktoum Charity Foundation; Naji Al Hai, Acting Undersecretary of the ministry; Hussein Al Sheikh, Assistant Undersecretary for Social Affairs Sector; and a number of invitees and sponsor companies for the productive
families.Emirati handicrafts expo beginsMaarij said that the productive capacity of the new oil field shall be equal to that of Missan's total oil production of 100,000 bpd, and for a total cost of US$174 millions, expected to start production on the first quarter of next year.Chinese company begins construction of 100,000 bpd oil field in southern IraqInnovation has been a theme at Productive throughout its history.'Productive' is more than a name for this efficient thermoformer: it's better to be lucky than good, so the old saying goes. It's even better to be both lucky and goodFriday was the least productive day, with three out of four of those questioned saying they started to slow down after lunch.Tuesday's hard work


(redirected from productive)


The amount of output per unit of input, such as the quantity of a product produced per hour of capital employed.


A measure of the units of benefit for each unit of work. Benefits include results of work such as GDP or revenue, while units of work include capital and labor. Productivity in the United States is measured by the U.S. Department of Labor on a quarterly basis. It is beneficial for both individual companies and economies to have the maximum amount of productivity possible.


The efficiency with which output is produced by a given set of inputs. Productivity is generally measured by the ratio of output to input. An increase in the ratio indicates an increase in productivity. Conversely, a decrease in the output/input ratio indicates a decline in productivity.


the relationship between the physical output of a product and the factor inputs which have gone into producing that output. Productivity is usually measured in terms of output per man hour, an improvement in productivity showing up as an increase in output per man hour.

Productivity is important to a firm because it enables the firm to establish a COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE over rival suppliers: a. given output can be produced at a lower resource cost, enabling a firm to supply this output at a lower price; or alternatively the firm can now produce more output from the same amount of inputs, enabling the firm to increase its total profit return. A high rate of growth of output per man hour also puts the firm in a better position to absorb inflationary cost pressures arising from wage increases and increases in raw material prices, should it be difficult (see PRICES AND INCOMES controls) or competitively inopportune to increase prices on a pro rata basis.

A firm can improve its productivity in a variety of ways, including the adoption of better working practices (particularly the removal of RESTRICTIVE LABOUR PRACTICES) and pay-incentive schemes (for example PROFIT-RELATED PAY and PROFIT-SHARING schemes); the adoption of methods for economizing on the STOCKHOLDING of raw materials (for example the JUST-IN-TIME stock ordering system). An especially important source of productivity improvement is the use of superior production methods (for example switching from labour-intensive BATCH PRODUCTION to continuous capital-intensive MASS-PRODUCTION processes), and investment in the latest ‘state-of-the-art’ technologies (for example COMPUTER-AIDED MANUFACTURING systems (CAM) and COMPUTER-AIDED DESIGN (CAD)). See LEAN MANUFACTURING, ECONOMIC GROWTH, EXPERIENCE CURVE, SPECIALIZATION, HOSHIN.


the relationship between the OUTPUT of an economic unit and the FACTOR INPUTS that have gone into producing that output. Productivity is usually measured in terms of output per man hour to facilitate interfirm, interindustry and intercountry comparisons. An increase in productivity occurs when output per man hour is raised. The main source of productivity increases is the use of more and better CAPITAL STOCK (see CAPITAL WIDENING and CAPITAL DEEPENING).

This important point can be illustrated in the following three stages:

  1. Suppose, initially, that the assembly of a motor car is a labour-intensive operation: it takes a team of 10 men working with a minimal amount of capital (spanners and screwdrivers only) one whole day to assemble one car;
  2. The firm now invests in hydraulic lifting gear (CAPITAL DEEPENING), and this cuts down considerably the amount of time in aligning parts for assembly, reducing the time it takes to complete the assembly operation to, say, one tenth of a day

    The same team of men is now able to assemble 10 cars a day - its productivity has gone up tenfold;

  3. The firm introduces a continuous-flow assembly line with automatically controlled machines (again, capital deepening), which one man can operate. Output increases to, say, 50 cars a day; the productivity of the remaining man has increased from 1 car a day (a one-tenth part of 10 cars) to 50.

    Just as importantly, 9 men have been ‘released’ from the team. Either they too could all be put to work on a similar automated assembly line (capital widening), in which case the total output of the 10 men is now 500 cars per day (10 x 50), compared to 50 before. Alternatively, they could be redeployed outside the car industry, thereby helping to increase output in other sectors of the economy

    Increased productivity thus makes an important contribution to the achievement of higher rates of ECONOMIC GROWTH.


References in periodicals archiveIt bears repeating: If you want to have productive disagreements, you cannot turn them into personal attacks.Disagreements can be productiveIn general, productive vocabulary use is considered to be more difficult than receptive vocabulary use, even though the specific reasons for this relative difficulty of productive use have not yet been discovered [14].Impact of vocabulary learning tasks on communicative knowledge of Iranian EFL learners with different proficiency levelsGroup size comparative analyses of visiting (or transitory) scientists revealed: 23.4 percent for India, 44.4 percent for UK and 16.0 percent for China, with productivity levels at 1.34, 1.24 and 1.22 respectively; again more productive than country publication averages.Elsevier analysis reveals 'Brain Gain' rather than 'Brain Drain' for IndiaThe UAE minister hailed the support of Shaikh Hamdan to
the productive families, adding that many of them earn good
income.Emirati handicrafts expo begins"TPS is our foundation for lean manufacturing," states Evan Gilham, Productive's vp of manufacturing and Hal's son.'Productive' is more than a name for this efficient thermoformer: it's better to be lucky than good, so the old saying goes. It's even better to be both lucky and goodWhen the mandated minimum rate is above the true market rate, the least productive are bound to be hurt.How to hurt the poorNew research from work-life balance charity Working Families shows that flexible workers think they are more productive at work than those who have no flexibility.Advertisement Feature - Flexibility paysIn 1996, Equity Office began sponsoring its 5-K corporate challenge for the youth club, which encourages area children to realize their full potential as productive, responsible and caring individuals.Runners on starting block for annual EOP 5-K challengeThe Healing Power Of Anger brings the reader a light not expected to be found in anger and insightfully gives a greater, more productive resolution to allowing anger to consume and control.The Healing Power Of AngerYet, the productive contributions of workers are critical to the success of the enterprise.Time for a human resources credo?Safe and Productive Practices, Departments and OrganizationsMake your plans for the Spring Institute in Las Vegas, April 22-27, 2006This award provides support for a period of supervised study and research for productive professionals with quantitative backgrounds who have the potential to integrate their quantitative expertise with NIH-relevant research and develop into productive investigators.Mentored Quantitative Research Development Award (K25)


  • adj

Synonyms for productive

adj fertile


  • fertile
  • rich
  • producing
  • prolific
  • plentiful
  • fruitful
  • teeming
  • generative
  • fecund


  • poor
  • barren
  • sterile
  • unproductive
  • unfruitful
  • unfertile

adj creative


  • creative
  • dynamic
  • vigorous
  • energetic
  • inventive

adj useful


  • useful
  • rewarding
  • valuable
  • profitable
  • effective
  • worthwhile
  • beneficial
  • constructive
  • gratifying
  • fruitful
  • advantageous
  • win-win
  • gainful


  • useless
  • unproductive
  • unprofitable

Synonyms for productive

adj producing or able to produce a desired effect


  • effective
  • effectual
  • efficacious
  • efficient

adj capable of reproducing


  • fecund
  • fertile
  • fruitful
  • prolific
  • proliferous

adj characterized by great productivity


  • fecund
  • fertile
  • fruitful
  • prolific
  • rich

adj acting effectively with minimal waste


  • efficient

Synonyms for productive

adj producing or capable of producing (especially abundantly)

Related Words

  • creative
  • originative
  • fertile
  • fruitful
  • profitable
  • successful


  • unproductive

adj having the ability to produce or originate


  • generative

adj yielding positive results

Related Words

  • successful

adj marked by great fruitfulness


  • fertile
  • rich
  • fat

Related Words

  • fruitful




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