Tim Berners-Lee

Sir Tim Berners-Lee
Timothy John Berners-Lee
BirthplaceLondon, England United Kingdom
OccupationComputer scientist
Known for Inventing the World Wide Web Holder of the 3Com Founders Chair at MIT's Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory

Berners-Lee, Tim

(Sir Timothy John Berners-Lee), 1955–, British computer scientist, b. London, grad. The Queen's College, Oxford (B.A. 1976). He joined CERNCERN
or European Organization for Nuclear Research,
nuclear and particle physics research center straddling the French-Swiss border W of Geneva, Switzerland. Established in 1952 as the provisional European Center for Nuclear Research (the acronym CERN derives from this
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, near Geneva, Switzerland, as a consultant software engineer in 1960. While there he wrote for his own private use a program for storing information including using random associations; this program formed the conceptual basis for the future development of the World Wide WebWorld Wide Web
(WWW or W3), collection of globally distributed text and multimedia documents and files and other network services linked in such a way as to create an immense electronic library from which information can be retrieved quickly by intuitive searches.
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. In 1989, he proposed a global hypertexthypertext,
technique for organizing computer databases or documents to facilitate the nonsequential retrieval of information. Related pieces of information are connected by preestablished or user-created links that allow a user to follow associative trails across the database.
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 project, to be known as the World Wide Web; it was to be designed to allow people to work together by combining their knowledge in a web of hypertext documents. He wrote the first Web server and the first client, a hypertext browser-editor, and defined the URL, HTTP and HTML specifications on which the Web depends. The Web was made available within CERN in Dec., 1990, and on the InternetInternet, the,
international computer network linking together thousands of individual networks at military and government agencies, educational institutions, nonprofit organizations, industrial and financial corporations of all sizes, and commercial enterprises (called gateways
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 at large in the summer of 1991. In 1994, Berners-Lee joined the Laboratory for Computer Science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology as Director of the W3 Consortium, which coordinates Web development worldwide. With M. Fischetti, he wrote Weaving the Web (1999). He was knighted in 2004.

Tim Berners-Lee

(1)Tim Berners-Lee

Tim Berners-Lee

(person)The man who invented the World-Wide Web whileworking at the Center for European Particle Research (CERN).Now Director of the World-Wide Web Consortium.

Tim Berners-Lee graduated from the Queen's College at OxfordUniversity, England, 1976. Whilst there he built his firstcomputer with a soldering iron, TTL gates, an M6800processor and an old television.

He then went on to work for Plessey Telecommunications, andD.G. Nash Ltd (where he wrote software for intelligentprinters and a multi-tasking operating system), beforejoining CERN, where he designed a program called 'Enquire',which was never published, but formed the conceptual basis fortoday's World-Wide Web.

In 1984, he took up a fellowship at CERN, and in 1989, hewrote the first World-Wide Web server, "httpd", and thefirst client, "WorldWideWeb" a hypertext browser/editorwhich ran under NEXTSTEP. The program "WorldWideWeb" wasfirst made available within CERN in December, and on theInternet as a whole in the summer of 1991.

In 1994, Tim joined the Laboratory for Computer Science(LCS) at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).In 1999, he became the first holder of the 3Com Founderschair. He is also the author of "Weaving the Web", on thepast present and future of the Web.

In 2001, Tim was made a fellow of The Royal Society.

Tim is married to Nancy Carlson. They have two children, born1991 and 1994.
