social responsibility

Social Responsibility

The practice of appropriate behavior in a public setting, regardless of the behavior's legality. In investing, social responsibility helps inform the investment decisions of some individuals and companies. For example, an individual may have a moral objection to smoking and therefore may refrain from investing in tobacco companies. Social responsibility in investing may be either positive or negative; that is, it may inform where an individual makes investments (e.g. in environmentally friendly companies) and where he/she does not (e.g. in arms manufacturers). Some mutual funds and even whole subdivisions are dedicated to promoting socially responsible investing. See also: Green fund, Islamic finance.

social responsibility

a business philosophy that stresses the need for firms to behave as good corporate citizens, not merely obeying the law but furthering the interests of the STAKEHOLDERS - shareholders, employees, customers, suppliers and the community Social responsibility is an alternative goal to PROFIT MAXIMIZATION for firms. See CORPORATE GOVERNANCE, FIRM OBJECTIVES.