Viktor Kirpichev
Kirpichev, Viktor L’vovich
Born Sept. 26 (Oct. 8), 1845, in St. Petersburg; died there Oct. 7 (20), 1913. Russian scientist in theoretical and applied mechanics and strength of materials.
After his graduation from the Mikhail Artillery Academy (1868), Kirpichev was retained there as a teacher. In 1870 he transferred to the St. Petersburg Institute of Technology, becoming a professor there in 1876. He conducted courses in strength of materials, graphic statics, and machine elements. In 1885 he became director of the Kharkov Institute of Technology, and in 1898 head of the polytechnic institute opened in Kiev. In 1902 he was dismissed in connection with student unrest by an order of the tsarist government. From 1903 he was a professor at the St. Petersburg Polytechnic Institute.
Kirpichev’s highly varied scientific activities are reflected in the study guides and courses he authored, including Strength of Materials (1884), Principles of Graphic Statics (1902), and Discussions on Mechanics (1907), all of which were repeatedly re-printed.