Viktor Ivanovich Grigorovich
Grigorovich, Viktor Ivanovich
Born Apr. 30 (May 12), 1815, in Balta; died Dec. 19(31). 1876, in Elizavetgrad, now Kirovograd. Russian Slavicist, one of the originators of Slavic philology in Russia.
From 1842 through 1863, V. I. Grigorovich was a professor in the subdepartments of the history and literature of Slavic languages at the University of Kazan; in 1848–49 at Moscow University; and from 1865 through 1876 at the University of Odessa. Between 1844 and 1847 he made a tour of Slavic lands under Turkish dominion, collecting works of South Slavic literature, which increased the source-study resources of Slavic philology (Outline of a Journey Through European Turkey, 1848). He drew extensively upon Byzantine sources for studying the history of the Balkan Slavs (Serbia and Its Relations With Neighboring Powers, Principally in the 14th and 15th Centuries, 1859. and other works).
Sobr. soch. (1864–1876). Odessa, 1916.REFERENCES
Petrovskii, N. M. “Bibliograficheskii spisok pechatnykh trudov V. I. Grigorovicha.” Izv. Otdeleniia russkogo iazyka i slovesnosti imp. AN, 1914, vol. 19, book 3.Viktorov. A. E. Sobranie rukopisei V. I. Grigorovicha. Moscow. 1879.