Viktor Ivanovich Borkovskii
Borkovskii, Viktor Ivanovich
Born Jan. 6 (18), 1900, in Minsk. Soviet philologist specializing in the Russian language; corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1958); corresponding member (1967) and foreign member (1969) of the German Academy of Sciences in Berlin; corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences in Mainz (1969); member of the International Committee of Slavists.
Borkovskii has written primarily on the history of the syntax of the East Slavic languages, including old Russian, and on Russian dialectology. He was awarded the State Prize of the USSR in 1970.
“O iazyke Suzdal’skoi letopisi po Lavrent’evskomu spisku.” Trudy komissii po russkomu iazyku, 1936, vol. 1.Sintaksis drevnerusskikh gramot: Prostoe predlozhenie. [L’vov,] 1949.
Sintaksis drevnerusskikh gramot: Slozhnoe predlozhenie. Moscow, 1958.
Novgorodskie gramoty na bereste. (From excavations in 1953–54.) Moscow, 1958. (With A. V. Artsikhovskii.)
Novgorodskie gramoty na bereste. (From excavations in 1955.) Moscow, 1958.
Novgorodskie gramoty na bereste. (From excavations in 1956–57.) Moscow, 1963.
Ispol’zovanie dialektnykh dannykh v trudakh po istoricheskomu sintaksisu vostochno-slavianskikh iazykov. Moscow, 1958.
Issledovaniia po slavianskomy iazykoznaniiu. Moscow, 1961.
Istoricheskaia grammatika russkovo iazyka, 2nd ed. Moscow, 1965. (With P. S. Kuznetsov.)
Sravnitel’no-istoricheskii sintaksis vostochno-slavianskikh iazykov. Moscow, 1968.