underdrive pacing

un·der·drive pac·ing

(ŭn'dĕr-drīv pās'ing), Electrical stimulation of the heart at a rate lower than that of an existing tachycardia; designed to capture the heart between beats, that is, to interrupt a reentry pathway to terminate the tachycardia.

underdrive pacing

Cardiac pacing Pacing at a rate below the tachycardia rate, for the purpose of interrupting the heart's tachy circuit with randomly timed stimuli to gain control of the heart and restore natural rhythm. See Pacemaker.

un·der·drive pac·ing

(ŭn'dĕr-drīv pās'ing) Electrical stimulation of the heart at a rate lower than that of an existing tachycardia; designed to capture the heart between beats, i.e., to interrupt a reentry pathway in order to terminate the tachycardia.