Socialist Union of Popular Forces
Socialist Union of Popular Forces
(SUPF; al-Ittihad al-Ishtiraki li al-Quwwat al-Shaabiyya), a Moroccan political party. The SUPF was founded as a result of a split in the National Union of Popular Forces in 1972; the group that split announced the formation of the Socialist Union of Popular Forces in 1974. The party primarily expresses the interests of the democratic intelligentsia, the petite bourgeoisie, and part of the working class. The Special Congress of the SUPF, held from Jan. 10 to Jan. 12, 1975, advocated “democratic socialism,” an end to the oppression of some classes by others, and the participation of the Moroccan people in running their own government. The first secretary of the SUPF is A. Bouabid. The party’s organ is the newspaper Al-Muharrir.