Vasilii Ivanovich Murashev

Murashev, Vasilii Ivanovich


Born Apr. 12 (25), 1904, in the village of Turgenevo, present-day Chern’ Raion, Tula Oblast; died Nov. 1, 1959, in Moscow. Soviet scientist in civil engineering; specialist in reinforced-concrete structural members. Doctor of technical sciences (1941), professor (1947). Became a member of the CPSU in 1944.

Murashev graduated from the N. E. Bauman Moscow Higher Technical School in 1929. He was head of the laboratory for refractory reinforced-concrete structural members of the Central Scientific Research Institute for Industrial Structures and later was head of the Scientific Research Institute of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete of Gosstroi (State Committee on Construction) of the USSR. He developed the principles for the theory of rigidity of reinforced concrete, as well as methods for calculating the fire resistance of reinforced-concrete structural members used under conditions of high temperatures. Murashev received the State Prize of the USSR (1951), two orders, and medals.


Treshchinoustoichivost’, zhestkost’ i prochnost’ zhelezobetona. Moscow, 1950.
“Osnovnye polozheniia rascheta i proektirovaniia zhelezobetonnykh konstruktsii v usloviiakh kratkovremennogo i dlitel’nogo vozdeistviia vysokikh temperatur.” In Teoriia rascheta i konstruirovaniia zhelezobetonnykh konstruktsii. Moscow, 1958.