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DictionarySeesubcutaneous tissueEncyclopediaSeefasciasuperficial fascia
fascia [fash´e-ah] (pl. fas´ciae) (L.) a sheet or band of fibrous tissue such as lies deep to the skin or invests muscles and various body organs. adj., adj fas´cial. Organization and connective tissue components of skeletal muscle. From Applegate, 2000.aponeurotic fascia a dense, firm, fibrous membrane investing the trunk and limbs and giving off sheaths to the various muscles.fascia cribro´sa the superficial fascia of the thigh covering the saphenous opening (fossa ovalis femoris).crural fascia the investing fascia of the lower limb.deep fascia aponeurotic fascia.endothoracic fascia that beneath the serous lining of the thoracic cavity.fascia la´ta the external investing fascia of the thigh.Scarpa's fascia the deep, membranous layer of the subcutaneous abdominal fascia.superficial fascia 1. a fascial sheet lying directly beneath the skin.2. subcutaneous tissue.thyrolaryngeal fascia the fascia covering the thyroid gland and attached to the cricoid cartilage.transverse fascia that between the transversalis muscle and the peritoneum.sub·cu·ta·ne·ous tis·sue [TA] an irregular layer of adipose and connective tissue, stroma, or membrane immediately deep to the skin and superficial to the deep fascia, usually consisting primarily of either just loose connective tissue [TA] (textus connectivus laxus [TA]), or a fatty layer [TA] (panniculus adiposus [TA]) that may also include a muscle layer [TA] (stratum musculosum [TA]), and/or a fibrous layer [TA] (stratum fibrosum [TA]}; it may occur as a membranous layer [TA] (stratum membranosum [TA]) only, being nearly devoid of fat (as in the auricles, eyelids, scrotum, and penis); it is penetrated by, and gains support from, skin ligaments [TA] (retinacula cutis [TA]) extending between the dermis and the deep fascia; cutaneous nerves and superficial vessels course within the subcutaneous tissue, with only their terminal branches passing to the skin; of the body's coverings, this layer varies most between sexes and in different nutritional states. Terminologia Anatomica [TA] has recommended that the terms "superficial fascia" and "deep fascia" not be used generically in an unqualified way because of variation in their meanings internationally. The recommended terms are "subcutaneous tissue [TA] (tela subcutanea)" for the former superficial fascia, and "muscular fascia" or ("visceral fasci viscera[is]") in place of deep fascia. Synonym(s): tela subcutanea [TA], hypodermis ☆ , fascia superficialis, hypoderm, stratum subcutaneum, subcutis, superficial fasciasu·per·fi·cial fas·ci·a (sū'pĕr-fish'ăl fash'ē-ă) A loose, fibrous envelope beneath the skin, containing fat in its meshes (panniculus adiposus) or fasciculi of muscular tissue (panniculus carnosus); it contains the cutaneous vessels and nerves and is in relation by its undersurface with the deep fascia. Synonym(s): hypodermis, tela subcutanea. |