Vasilii Frolovich Saratovets

Saratovets, Vasilii Frolovich


(real surname, Efi-mov). Born Jan. 1, 1885, in the village of Karamyshevka, now in Saratov Oblast; died Aug. 30 (Sept. 12), 1912, in Moscow. A participant in the revolutionary movement in Russia. Member of the RSDLP from 1903; a Bolshevik. Son of a peasant.

Saratovets was a foundry worker. He engaged in party work in Saratov, Rostov-on-Don, and Baku. In 1906 he was a member of the Baku soviet of workers’ deputies and of the Baku committee of the RSDLP. He was a delegate to the Fifth Congress of the RSDLP in 1907. Saratovets participated in the publication of several newspapers, such as the Bolshevik newspaper Bakinskii rabochii (1908). In 1909 he was secretary of the Petroleum Workers’ Union in Baku and then engaged in party work in Moscow. He was arrested in October and died in the Butyrka Prison.