recurrent respiratory papillomatosis

recurrent respiratory papillomatosis

a disease of the respiratory tract caused by the human papillomavirus; characterized by rapid recurrence of papillomas after surgical removal, airway obstruction, and hoarseness to aphonia when the larynx is involved.
See also: laryngeal papillomatosis.

re·cur·rent res·pi·ra·to·ry pa·pil·lo·ma·to·sis

(rĕ-kŭr'ĕnt res'pir-ă-tōr-ē pap'i-lō'mă-tō'sis) A disease of the respiratory tract caused by the human papillomavirus; characterized by rapid recurrence of papillomas after surgical removal, airway obstruction, and hoarseness to aphonia when the larynx is involved.
See also: laryngeal papillomatosis