Baranki Products
Baranki Products
(bubliki, baranki, and sushki), Russian national baked goods. There are simple baranki products, baranki products with poppy seeds or caraway seeds, baranki products with vanilla or salt, and rich baranki products. The dough prepared for these products is less moist than bread dough; as a result, the buildup of yeast and lactic bacteria is hampered, so they are multiplied beforehand by a special leavening process. For bubliki and sometimes for baranki, the dough is prepared by adding yeast and letting it stand in a warm place. After mixing, the dough is rolled and then shaped on a baranka-shaping machine. The machine’s hourly productivity for baranki is 90 kg; for sushki, up to 60 kg; for bubliki, up to 160 kg. The shaped products stand from 1.5 to 2 hours; then they are treated with boiling water or with steam in special cabinets. In the process the starch is turned into paste and the proteins coagulate, which creates a thin glaze on the surface of the baranki products. Then the baranki products are dried and baked in ovens.