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DictionarySeecariesrecurrent caries
caries [kar´e-ēz, kar´ēz] decay, as of bone or teeth. adj., adj ca´rious.bottle mouth caries early childhood caries.dental caries see dental caries" >dental caries.dry caries (caries sic´ca) a form of tuberculous caries of the joints and ends of bones.early childhood caries severe dental caries that are promoted by the sugars, acids, and sometimes Streptococcus mutans in a bottle of milk or juice left in contact with a child's primary teeth; this can also occur from contact with breast milk left in a sleeping child's mouth. The condition is preventable; no child should be permitted to fall asleep nursing on any liquid other than plain water. Called also bottle mouth caries.recurrent caries dental caries beneath the margin of an existing tooth restoration.re·cur·rent car·iescaries recurring in an area due to inadequate removal of the initial decay, usually beneath a restoration or new decay at a site where caries has previously occurred.re·cur·rent ca·ries (rĕ-kŭrĕnt karēz) Caries returning to an area due to inadequate removal of initial decay, usually around or beneath a restoration or new decay at a site where caries has previously occurred. Synonym(s): recurrent decay. |