a late Neolithic settlement (late third millennium and first half of the second millennium B.C.) situated in a peat bog at Lake Tamula, near the city of Vōru, Estonian SSR. Tamula was discovered in 1939 and was partially excavated between 1942 and 1968. The cultural layer contains many animal bones and articles made of bone, including pendants with depictions of human figures, animals, birds, and snakes. Other remains excavated at Tamula include 24 burials.
Jaanits, L. I. “Novye dannye po neolitu Pribaltiki.” In the collection Sovetskaia arkheologiia, vol. 19. Moscow, 1954.Jaanits, L. “Neue Gräberfunde auf dem spätneolithischen Wohnplatz Tamula in Estland.” In the collection Studio neolithica. (Suomen Muinaismuistoyhdistyksen Aikakauskirja, vol. 58.) Helsinki, 1957.