

单词 peps
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A participating preferred stock that may be converted to common stock by a certain date. Like all participating preferred stock, a PEPS entitles the shareholder to a certain minimum dividend. The dividend paid may be higher than the minimum, depending upon company performance. In any case, these dividends must be paid before any dividends are paid on common stock; if a company is unable to pay dividends on participating preferred stock, stockholders have the right to force the liquidation of the company. The conversion feature of a PEPS gives it a great deal of flexibility for the shareholder.


See Participating Equity Preferred Shares.


PEPSPower Electronics and Power Systems (Indian Institute of Technology)
PEPSPerspectives on European Politics and Society (journal)
PEPSProgram for Early Parent Support
PEPSPertes et Profits (French: Profit & Loss)
PEPSPremier Entré Premier Sorti (French: first in first out)
PEPSPrevention Enhancement Protocols System
PEPSPrincess Elizabeth Primary School (Singapore)
PEPSProbate and Estate Planning Section (Michigan Bar Association)
PEPSPostsecondary Education Participation System (US Department of Education)
PEPSPark View Primary School (Singapore)
PEPSProjected Entangled-Pair State
PEPSPreferred Equity Participation Securities
PEPSPhotovoltaic Electric Power Systems
PEPSPrimary Environmental Prediction System
PEPSPricing, Engineering and Proposal Software
PEPSProvidence English Private School (United Arab Emirates)




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