Sociable Plover

Sociable Plover


(Chettusia gregaria), a bird of the family Charadriidae of the suborder Limicolae. It measures 32 cm long and weighs about 190 g. The plumage is brownish gray with black, white, and rust spots.

The sociable plover nests only in the USSR in dry steppes from the Don River to the upper reaches of the Ob’. It winters in Africa and southern Asia. The bird settles in pairs or in small colonies. Its nest is a pit in the ground. A clutch has four or five clay-yellow speckled eggs. The incubation period is 25 days. In the fall the birds unite in flocks. They feed on insects, including harmful ones (locusts and others); occasionally they eat seeds. The plowing of the steppes has caused such a sharp reduction in their numbers that they are close to extinction.