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asthenospermia asthenospermia [as″thĕ-no-sper´me-ah] reduced motility of spermatozoa in the semen.as·the·no·zoo·sper·mi·a (as'thē-nō-zō'ō-sperm'ē-ă), Loss or reduction of mobility of the sperms, frequently associated with infertility. Synonym(s): asthenospermia [G. astheneia, weakness + zōos, living, + sperma, seed, semen, + -ia] asthenospermia A reduction in the proportion of motile sperm, as observed by light microscopy in the context of semen analysis.as·the·no·zoo·sper·mi·a (as'thĕ-nō-zō-ō-spĕrm'ē-ă) Loss or reduction of mobility of sperms, frequently associated with infertility. Synonym(s): asthenospermia. [G. astheneia, weakness + zōos, living, + sperma, seed, semen, + -ia] |