People's Democratic Republic of Korea

Soviet-Korean (People’s Democratic Republic of Korea) Agreements


Diplomatic relations were established between the USSR and the People’s Democratic Republic of Korea (PDRK) on Oct. 12, 1948. Relations between the countries are based on the principles of socialist internationalism.

The agreement on economic and cultural cooperation signed Mar. 17, 1949, was the first agreement that the PDRK concluded with a great power on equal terms. The USSR extended large-scale aid to the PDRK during the Fatherland Liberation War of 1950–53. A communique of Sept. 20, 1953, pointed out that the countries had agreed on aid from the USSR to restore the war-ravaged national economy of the PDRK. A communique of July 12, 1956, announced an accord on increasing shipments of materials, equipment, foodstuffs, and consumer goods from the USSR.

The countries signed agreements on scientific and technical cooperation (Feb. 5, 1955), on air transportation (Dec. 7, 1955), on cooperation in radio broadcasting (Oct. 14, 1957), and on procedures for settling border questions (Oct. 14, 1957). They also concluded a treaty on trade and navigation (June 22, 1960), a treaty on friendship, cooperation, and mutual aid (July 6, 1961), an agreement on forming an intergovernmental commission on economic, scientific, and technical problems (Oct. 16, 1967), and an agreement on fishing (Jan. 18, 1974).

In an exchange of letters in April 1973, the Supreme Soviet of the USSR expressed support for the program of the peaceful democratic unification of Korea advanced by the Supreme People’s Assembly of the PDRK.