Patient discussion about staph
Q. can staphylococcus in woman cause infertility? staphylococcus/infertilityA. Not that I know about. One of the major routes in which bacteria cause infertility in women is through inflammation of the pelvis (PID), but staphylococcus isn't a major cause of this disease.
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Q. what is staph hominis subspec hominis? my grandmother has it and she also has breast ca diabetes is it contagi contagious and what causes itA. 2.Staphylococcus hominis is a bacterium. That lives harmlessly on humans (like many other bacteria) and trouble begins when someone get immuno compromised. your grandmother probably having harsh chemotherapy and radiations. Her immune system is week and cannot defend the body from infections. Unluckily the Staph hominis somehow penetrated and caused an infection.
Q. What is MRSA? I’ve heard on the news that some hospitals have a higher rate of MRSA infection. What is MRSA?A.
MRSA - Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus, is a nick name for a specific subtype of bacteria from the Staph bacteria family, which is found resistant to many of the common antibiotics that are in use today. This is due to a mutation development in the Staph bacteria, which allowed it to grow resistance against the killing ingredient in common antibiotics, therefore making it a harder infection to treat and cure. Hospitals keep track of their MRSA infections for epidemiological reasons, in order to get a perspective on bacterial resistance to antibiotics, hoping new and more effective antibiotic medication will be researched.
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