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stannum (ˈstænəm) n (Elements & Compounds) an obsolete name for tin1[C18: from Late Latin: tin, from Latin: alloy of silver and lead, perhaps of Celtic origin; compare Welsh ystaen tin]stannum
stannum[′stan·əm] (chemistry) The Latin name for tin, thus the symbol Sn for the element. stannum
tin (Sn), (tin), A metallic element, atomic no. 50, atomic wt. 118.710. Synonym(s): stannum [AS, tin] tin (tin) A metallic element, atomic no. 50, atomic wt. 118.710. Synonym(s): stannum. [A.S. tin]stannumS17-892700 (stan'um) [L. stannum, alloy of silver and lead, tin] SnTin.FinancialSeeTinAcronymsSeeSNThesaurusSeetin |